Chapter 11: Mission #1

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~ Time Skip ~

~ Next Morning ~

~ Johnathan POV ~

I'm not sure how long I slept but when I awoke, I heard a familiar voice calling out to me. "Johnathan, can you hear me"? "Wake up" someone said while shaking my shoulder. I finally snapped out of it and my eyes darted over to the person shaking me. "Aayla"?? I said with a groan. "Hey, we've been looking for you for almost an hour now" she said concerned. "You weren't in your private quarters and nobody knew where you were" she continued. "Alr-ight, alright I'm awake". "Just don't shake me like that again" I said annoyed. I slowly climbed out the cockpit and down the ladder. Aayla told me to follow her. I followed Aayla to General Cortana's office since she said the general needed to see me. I could only imagine what this bullshit was about.

~ Time Skip ~

~ General Cortana's Office ~

I arrived at the general's office with Aayla. Upon entering, I was asked to sit down. "Johnathan, I have an important mission for you". "I can only trust that you will get it done" the general said. "What mission is that ma'am"? I asked. "We have reports of United Human Nations bombers heading towards an outpost in Rome, Italy". "I need you to intercept and destroy the bombers before they reach their targets" she instructed. This was my first ever mission as a member of the weak ass Fur Filth Naval Operations. "What about Aayla and Hellcat Squadron"? "Will they be joining me"? I asked. She looked down for a moment before shaking her head. "No, it will just be you" she said. "Wow, so once again you lie to my face". "You told me I was going on a mission with Hellcat Squadron". "And now what, I'm supposed to be the expendable fighter who does all the dirty work for you fucking scumbags"?! I yelled. "Johnathan, you're not expendable". "Aayla and her squad need more time". "And you're the only pilot here who has experience and knows what we're up against". "I promise you, next time you won't be alone" she said. "You're bullshitting has gone on long enough, general". "And when I'm finished with those bombers, you and I are going to have a little chat" I said. With that, I stood up and walked out of the room. I walked to the cafeteria to get some food before going off on this damm mission.

~ Time Skip ~

~ Few Minutes Later ~

~ Cafeteria ~

When I arrived, I quickly made my way to the line. I got the morning food they were still serving which was a crescent roll, bacon egg and cheese sandwich, and some cereal. When I was busy in line, I was then approached by someone. They tapped on my shoulder to get my attention so I slightly turned to see who it was. It was the jackel wolf hybrid girl from Fanged Legion Squadron. I didn't say anything, I just looked at her while I got out of line with my food. "I hea-rd a-about you-r mission" she said. "Oh so you know huh" I said slightly irritated. "What is it to you"? I asked her more irritated as before. She looked down with her ears tucked behind her head. "I-I uh, just want-ed to say good luck and b-be safe" she said. I stood there just looking at her weirdly. Was she worried? Did she feel nervous? Something told me that she didn't want me to go. But I didn't care. "Listen Fur, I-" I stopped myself then. I realized I should at least use her name. "H-Herma right"? I asked. She nodded her head. "Listen, I don't need you to tell me to be safe". "I can take care of myself and myself alone". "So just drop it already" I said coldly. Her ears went down a little bit. I took a deep breath before looking back up to her. I signed before asking her something. "Hey, is it alright if I do something that might make you feel better"? "So you don't worry" I asked. She look at me a little curious. "U-mm, s-sur-e" she stuttered. I slowly reached up to her with my right arm while my left held the food tray. I gently put my hand around her ear and scratched her head. Her color quickly begin to turn red while she wagged her tail a little. "Feel a little better" I asked. She nodded her head happily. I then walked away and sat down in the corner of the cafeteria. I ate while many Furs kept whispering and quickly taking glances at me. Once I finished my food, I threw away the garbage before grabbing my helmet. As I made my way to the exit, the jackel wolf girl stopped me once more. "H-hey is it o-kay if I do som-ething f-for y-ou sin-ce you h-elped me"? she asked while a complete stuttering mess. "Sign......sure just make it quick already" I said annoyed. What did she want this time? But then, she did something I never would've ever expected from a FUR". She leaned down to my right cheek and kissed me. My eyes WIDENED as she did this. I wanted to pull away and yell at her disgusted. But I didn't, instead I just stood there frozen. She broke the kiss quickly then walked away. I stood there in awe before noticing that almost every single Fur in the entire cafeteria was looking at me with shocked expressions. I snapped outta my trance and just left. "What the fuck just happened" I said to myself. I walked trying to comprehend what just took place.

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