Chapter 8: Ashes To Dust

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~ Aayla POV ~

I woke up to the sound of grunting. I looked over to see Whirlwind waking up and struggling to move because of how much pain she was still in. I got up to give her fast acting pain killers knowing the last few wore off. She took the pills, drank some juice and fell back down on her medical bed. "Hey, try not to move so much" I said. She looked at me and nodded her head slowly. "Do you remember what happened"? I asked her. She didn't even look at me, she just nodded her head. "He enjoyed seeing me in pain, didn't he" she said with a sad expression. "I'm not sure" was all I could say. Just then, General Cortana came in the room. She nearly gasped when she saw Whirlwind. "Whirlwind, are you okay"?! "I'm fine ma'am". "J-just a... litt-le t-tire-d" she said. "The Knight Raven really banged her up" I said. "I guess I gave that No-fur bastard too much authority" Cortana said. "Where is he now"? I questioned. "He was last seen in his private quarters, heading towards the cafeteria". "I'll call him here and I suggest you get ready for your next training assignment" Cortana said. I looked over at Whirlwind a little concerned". "I'm not leaving her here alone" I protested. "I won't let him touch her". "Just get ready for the aerial combat training he has in store for you and Hellcat Squadron" she said reassuring me". Whirlwind nodded her head telling me to go on. I left the room walking back to my squad's private quarters. But I couldn't help but think about Johnathan. "I know there is good you, Johnathan". "I know there is" I said in my head.

~ Johnathan POV ~

I was eating lunch in the cafeteria while some of the Fur f*ggots kept looking at me. I guess word quickly spreads throughout this entire base. Some Furs were looking at me with the usual hate while others were nervous and almost scared. I noticed one female Fur looking at me. She was a Anthro dog or wolf. I couldn't tell if she was mixed with wolf and dog but her appearance made her seem more dog like. She kept looking at me with blue eyes. But it wasn't a look of hate or scared. It was a look of sympathy. I got very annoyed by her constant staring and yelled out to her. "The fuck is your ugly ass staring at, freak"?!?! She quickly widened her eyes as her ears went a little flat. "I-im sorry" she said. "Keep your fucking eyes off me, or I'll come over there and CARVE THEM THE FUCK OUT"!! I half yelled. She didn't look,  she just quickly darted back to her food. Other Fur cunts took notice of my threat and all did the same. I went right back to eating my food and keeping my gun ready Incase any decided to get any ideas. Once I finished, I got up to go to the restroom but not before my military ID was called over the  loud speaker. "Knight Raven 4, report to General Cortana in the medical bay". "Take nothing with you, go now". I signed loudly as I decided I would just have to hold it until then. As I was leaving, a male Fur who appeared to be a feral dragon like creature tried to speak to me. "I know why you hate us" he said calm but sad. I stopped to look at this freak. He appeared to be my age in terms of his physical appearance. "You're kind were always scum" I said coldly before turning to walk away. "I-im sorry for e-veryth-ing you've gone through". "It's not to late, to let go" he said. "I stopped and stared back at him with anger and scorn. "Let go"? "I'm stronger now, because of that pain". "And I could give too shits about you or what you think". "And when this is over, you'll be off to the extermination chambers with the rest of your ignorant scumbag kind". I walked away while his ears went flat and he seemed to form tears. I walked coldly through the halls giving death glares at every single Fur who was in my way. Some did the same while others moved off to the side.

~ Few Minutes Later ~

~ Johnathan POV ~

I walked into the med bay and was shown by a male Fur freak to where the general was. When I got to the room, she was waiting for me. And so was the snow leopard hoe bag. "Why am I here" I asked coldly. "I want you to help her to your squad's private quarters" the general said. I looked at the weak ass leopard before going back to the General. "I'm not helping that bitch". "She can go burn in hell for all I care" I said. The general looked at the leopard who was laying in bed. She then stopped and looked back at me. "I know you hate her". "Just for once, do this for me and yourself" she replied to me. I stared at the leopard with rage and malice. She seemed to shiver as she was fearful of me. "Get the fuck up from that bed". "Try me, and those bruises will be nothing comparable to what I'll do to you next time" I said. She began to slowly change direction as she swung her body towards the side of the medical bed. I walked over to her and put her arms around my shoulder. I then stopped and realized this is what Aayla did for me when she brought me to the med bay. I helped her walk out the room while the general stood behind us. Everyone in the med bay was staring with shocked expressions all over there faces. It was the same thing when we walked into the halls of the base. When we were halfway there, she finally spoke up. Just the sound of her voice was making me want to beat the shit out of her again. "D-do yo-u hate me"? she asked a little nervous and saddened. I didn't answer her question. I just looked over and slightly up to her. The anger in my eyes was enough to give her the answer to her retarted question. She didn't say anything else as we walked down the hall. We eventually made it to the squad's barracks. I kicked the door twice with force making it shake. Phoenix opened the door as we walked in. Everyone in the squad looked as we walked in. I walked over to her damm bunk bed with her leaning on me as I forcefully removed her from my shoulders and practically pushed her forcefully off me and onto the bed. She let out a small grunt as she fell ontop of it. "Johnathan what the fuck"?! Eddie almost shouted as he rushed over to her. "Ah shut the fuck up Eddie, she'll live" I said. "And that will be the only kindness I will ever show her freak ass" I said with a smug look. I then walked out the room and walked back to my private hanger. I did this while the General walked pass me and went into the room.

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