Chapter 22: Mission #4 (Short)

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~ Johnathan POV ~

~ Midnight ~

*Alarm* My alarm went off, waking me up out of my deep sleep. I jolted awake to find the red lights flashing indicating there was an emergency. It was not a drill. I ran towards my room, grabbing uniform and slipping it on. I rushed to get my helmet as I yanked the front door open. I slammed it shut before flying down the hallway. After 2 minutes, I made it to Cortana's office in record time. I knocked on the door as I heard a quick shout "come in". I entered to see her. Her face had a expression of shock as well as concern. But she appeared relieved I was here. "Oh, thank goodness your here". "This is a emergency, we need to go to the Air Traffic Coordination room immediately" she half shouted. We both wasted no time and left the room, half jogging and running there. "What's happening ma'am"? I asked frantic and confused. "I'll explain when we're there" she replied. I kept up with her as best I could considering she was faster than me. As we made our way through the halls, we met up with a couple guards. They led us down the rest of the hallway. Finally after so much running, we arrived into the ATC room. "General Cortana" a ATC coordinator said while saluting. "At ease, what's the situation"? she asked. "Ma'am, satellite imaging systems show a advanced UHN submarine surfacing off the coast of Tyrrhenian Sea". "The submarine entered F.U.N territorial waters and is equip with advanced sonar jamming signals". "We barley managed to spot it in time". "It is located approximately 1,275 miles off shore from France" the coordinator said.

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Cortana looked over at me

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Cortana looked over at me. "Johnathan, that submarine is called a Folkvanger". "Folkvanger is equipped with an advanced submarine-launched ballistic missile called a (R-K27 S.L.B.M)". "But it cannot be launched underwater". "The fact that Folkvanger has surfaced means it's preparing to launch it's S.L.B.M" she said. My eyes went wide. The UHN have been ramping up these ballistic missiles at record speed. And now, they have a submarine that can launch one. "W-where is it heading"? I asked frantic. "It may be targeting Mareseilla, France". "Our forces are engaged in a gridlock battle with invading UHN forces on the ground". "Because they lost their recent occupied territory, they plan on obliterating the entire city". "As well as both UHN and F.U.N forces stationed there" Cortana said. "H-how do I stop it"? I asked. She hesitated for a moment. "Cortana, my jet is the fastest out of every one on this base". "I'm the only one who can stop that missile". "Please, tell me how do I stop it"? I said. She spoke up. "The Folkvanger's S.L.B.M is equipped with advanced A.I technology allowing it to change directions mid flight, much like a fighter aircraft". "Once it's launched, it'll be nearly impossible to shoot down". "That's why we need you to intercept that submarine". "Destroy it before it has a chance to launch" Cortana says. "I won't fail you" I said. "Goodluck John" she replied. I ran out the room towards my hanger. "Alright Hellhound, let's save some lives" I said. I ran through the halls as a few guards and soldiers began to cheer me on. "Go get those fuckers" one cheered. I nodded my head as I kept moving towards my hanger. Eventually, the hanger was insight. I wasted no time as I threw the door open, running to Hellhound. "Come on girl, we got no time to lose, I said. I hurriedly climbed up the ladder as I removed Hellhound's canopy. I jumped into the cockpit strapping into my seat. I closed the canopy before activating my controls. Hellhound roared to life as the metal hanger doors began to lift open. "ATC this is Raven 4, en route to the runway, over" I radioed. "Roger Raven 4, standby for clearance" the coordinator said. I pulled out the hanger towards the runway. I looked down at the picture of my parents like I always did before missions. "I love you mom and dad". "I promise I'll make you proud today" I said. "Raven 4, your clear for takeoff" the ATC coordinator radioed. "Roger that" I said. I increased my jet's throttle until we begin to pick up speed. Soon, we were off the runway and off towards the Tyrrhenian Sea.

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