Military Government Bios (NOT A CHAPTER)

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7 Pointed Star Stands For The 7 Allied Continents

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7 Pointed Star Stands For The 7 Allied Continents

(UHN) United Human Nations

Established: Late 2017 Early 2018

Alliance Of All Continents & Human Government Nations

When war between Humanity and Anthros was now in full swing, All human governments realized that to beat the Anthros, they would need to put their differences aside and work together. United we stand, divided we fall. Humanity sought to unite all their brothers and sisters regardless of nationality, race, politics, wars from the past before Anthros and so on. As a result, each continent would put together summits and treaties allowing for unification. With all of North America's, South America's, Asia's, Africa's, Middle East's, Australia's, New Zealand's countries now united, the chances of standing up to the Anthro race was now more than tripled. As battles across the world raged, and Human and Anthros casualties plagued the battlefields, Humanity felt something just wasn't right. That there was something missing. Humanity's global leaders put together another summit where they all discussed the heavy losses on the battlefield. They were winning the war at the very least. But they still were suffering thousands of casualties everyday. They soon realized that the only way to fully reduce the casualties and build stronger more powerful armies superior to that of the Anthros was to unite all of Humanity under one government and one flag. After 2 massive votes, Humanity had passed this order. From that day forward, Humanity would be known as the United Human Nations. There was now just one last thing to do. And that was to decide the capital of this newly formed government. After a long time, America being a global leader in economics, trade, resources, government, and power was chosen as the new capital. Washington, DC was reshaped into the capital of the United Human Nations. After establishing the UHN, the Human governments from all across the world invested billions upon billions of dollars into their now united government's economy. This helped pave the way for new stronger powerful weapons, technology, vehicles, advanced armor, firearms, training and ect. Now with the more advanced military power of the UHN, this made the Anthros and their military power obsolete. Everyday, even though casualties dropped and more battles were easily to very little won, Anthros still wouldn't back down. They wouldn't surrender. But the UHN wouldn't stop until all Anthro resistances were crushed and they fell to their knees. 

    ~ UHN 56st Infantry Special Forces  ~

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    ~ UHN 56st Infantry Special Forces  ~

  ~ American & South American Military ~

     Military Infantry Johnathan Served             Before Joining The UHA's Naval Academy

     Military Infantry Johnathan Served             Before Joining The UHA's Naval Academy

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~ Battle of Russia ~ May 9th To May 13th 2025 ~

After Successfully Taking Full Control Of Neighboring Ukraine from Anthro Resistance Forces, The UHN'S 348th Military Infantry Launches A Massive Invasion Of Moscow, Russia Which Ultimately Lead To The Mass Retreat Of F.U.N Forces. This Is How The F.U.N loses Russia & All Of Asia. In The Year Of 2027 They Would Soon Loose Africa, Australia, New Zealand & The Pacific Ocean

 In The Year Of 2027 They Would Soon Loose Africa, Australia, New Zealand & The Pacific Ocean

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(FUN) Furry United Nations / United Anthro Coalition

Established: Late 2015

United Anthro Races and Government

Anthros were evolved by the United States government with the purpose of being used as super soldiers. But control over the serum formula shifted and accidentally evolved a number of Animal subjects. The United States government believed that Anthros could serve as not only super soldiers, but as members of the human society. So many were rapidly evolved by the government and released into public society. The United States government kept close eyes on them but for the most part allowed them to be free. Anthros grew to be just as and even more intelligent than many Humans. They began to form colonies, relationships with human foreign countries, governments, military, police, justice systems, politics and etc. Eventually, with the help of Humanity, they had formed their first ever government which was called the United Anthro Coalition. The Anthros sought to unite all Anthro kinds. Soon, they were reorganized into the Furry United Allegiance/Nations. Anthros from different continents/countries would live happily in either Anthro or Human society. Unfortunately, in 2017 tensions between Humanity and Anthros would eventually reach a breaking point. Racial discrimination towards Anthros would go on the rise and Humans began to segregate from the Anthro population. And it didn't help that the F.U.N would be accused of several attacks in the Middle East that they were not responsible for. The F.U.N did everything in their power to avoid conflict. They desperately tried to prove they had nothing to do with the attacks. But Humanity and their greed would force them to ramp up military presences all throughout the world. Finally, war began to break out in the Middle East and Africa. Soon it would spread to South and North America. And then, Humanity entirely declared war on their kind. While Anthros were powerful in terms of height, intelligence, combat, physical strength and survival, they did not possess the economic or military power as Humanity did. As the war dragged on for nearly a decade, Humanity would savagely exterminate Anthro colonies, sanctuaries, military forces and strongholds with very little resistance. Humans began to build large prisons that served as death and P.O.W/prisoner of war camps for Anthro civilians and captured military. Anti Fur Militias would also rise to power, hired by the UHN to hunt down Anthros. They were considered far more ruthless than the UHN government. These groups consisted of military, police, mercenaries/PMCs, terrorists, anti furry hate groups, extremists, criminals, drug cartels, and veterans of previous human wars. They were known for their downright barbaric killing tactics. These tactics included experimental torture, public executions, chemical attacks, bombings, suicide bombings, mass shootings, cannibalism, beheadings, rape, killing of Anthro children and the murders of Anthro government officials. The F.U.N and UHN would sometimes attempt to reach peace summits. Human civilians would also attempt to reach out trying to bring both sides together. But the UHN and their American leaders rejected it. Anthros would be forced to continue fighting, losing millions of their kind over the years. But one thing was clear, surrender wasn't an option.

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