Chapter 13: Shadows & Ghost

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~ Johnathan POV ~

~ Time Skip ~ Midnight ~

"John"? "Johnathan, do you remember what I taught you" the voice called out. I was lost in the darkness. A pit so black, nothing could be seen as if light itself was cut off from all sides of this dark abyss. Slowly, my eyes began to adjust to where I could make out a figure. It appeared to be female and was around the hight of 5'1. "John, it's me, don't you remember"? the voice called out again. I just stood there dumbfounded. "Who the fuck are you"? "And how do you know my name"? I half yelled and asked at the same time. "Sweetheart, y-you don't remember me do you"? the feminine voice asked saddened. It was only then when I became close enough to see who it was. "M-mo-mom"?? I asked with wide eyes. "It's me honey, i've been watching you for a long time" she said. "No, no, no you're not real". "Your just a vision". "You're dead" I half yelled. But then, she walked up to me putting her hands on my shoulders. "Sweetheart, I never left you". "Even in death, I still watched over you" she responded. "B-but you al-ways told me gh-ost n-never existed" I spoke. She smiled at my words and reached to stroke the hair on my head. "I did, until I became one" she responded. "Until we became ones" another voice called out. "D-dad"?! I asked nearly jumping. I turned around to see my dad standing in front of me. He smiled at me. "Son, we love you". "And we miss you alot" he spoke up. "You would still be here if it wasn't for them" I hissed. They both looked at each other. "Son, it wasn't the Anthros faul-" he was soon cut off by me. "It is their fault"!! "They started this war, they took you from me". "They killed millions of our kind". "How can you say this isn't their fault"??! I shouted. My mother and father both looked at each other again before back at me. "Sweetheart, no matter what happened, we don't blame the Anthros". "Humanity throughout history has always blamed one another for the mistakes of the past". "It was our fault this war started" my mother spoke. "Son, we don't hate them for what happened". "And we don't hate you for what you've done, either". "We love you and that is what matters most" my father spoke. "Because love will always win over hate". "And your our handsome beautiful son, who is going to do great things in this world" my mother added. I stood there as tears began to roll down my eyes. "Mom, dad, i-im s-sorry for all of this". "Im sorry for being the monster I said I wouldn't be" I said with tears. They both hugged me, smiling. "No son, you were never a monster" my father cut me off by saying. "You'll always be our baby boy" my mother said while softly tearing up. "We'll see you again son, I promise" my father spoke one final time. With that, they both began to fade away into the darkness. "Dad, mom please don't go". "I won't leave you" I cried.

~ Dream End ~

I woke up from my dream with the same tears as I softly cried. "I'm sorry mom and dad". "I love you" I said. Just then, I heard a knock at the door. Who the hell could this be? I got up from the couch, wiping my face before going to the door. I opened it slightly to see Herma standing there. She looked sad about something. I didn't want to send her away so without hesitation, I immediately moved to the side so she could come inside. Once entering, she sat down on the couch. I closed the door and went to sit down with her. There was an awkward silence between the two of us. "D-do yo-u re-ally hate us"? "H-hate m-e"? she asked. I was sitting there in silence too numb to say anything. Herma looked at me before back down to the floor. She sniffled a little before shedding a few tears. I slowly put my hand on her shoulder. "N, n-no". "I don't hate you" I whispered. She looked at me again. "Y-you're ju-st saying t-hat because you don't care" she said. "H-Herma". "I-I...." "I'm so sorry for everything I've said to you". "You were r-ight abo-ut me, you were r-right all a-long". "I just didn't want to believe it" i said as tears began to form. Herma looked at me and then noticed the tears in my eyes. "J-johnathan, are you alright"? she asked concerned. I just broke down in tears hugging her. "I-im so sorry" I cried out. She embraced me in her arms holding me the entire time. "It's their fault". "They made you that way". "I don't blame you". "They did this to you" Herma whispered. "Tell me what happened" she then asked.

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