Chapter 4: The Raven's Calling Card

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~ Johnathan POV ~

~ Next Day ~

I woke up in my private quarters the next day satisfied with last night's attack on the settlement compound. I went to shower and prepare my gear before walking to the cafeteria to get food to get me started for the day. I sat down and was joined by my commander. He was delighted with last night's mission report and well pleased with my performance in the field. "I think I know why so many have called you and your squadron a vapor trail". I chuckled at the comment. I finished up my meal while watching the main flat screen TV on the wall in the cafeteria. There was a special report detailing the refugee camp me and my old squad bombed almost a week ago. But then photos and videos of the dead and destruction got my attention. I saw the remains of Human children that were not censored. The camp was scattered with Human and Anthro civilian remains alike. However I didn't feel sympathy. Instead I felt a look of sarcasm appear on my face. "Do not weep for those Fur covered freaks or the Humans who side with them" my commander said noticing my smirk. "They chose their path and paid the price for their treason". I wasn't sure how to react to his comments. But I soon brushed it off and decided he was right. Humans who sided with the Furs are traitors, cowards, worthy of no pity or mercy. The Furs are crying over dead Human civilian children but had no problem killing children at the beginning of the war. Why should I feel sorry for them now? I was interrupted by my military ID being read over the loud speaker. "Knight Raven 4, please report to the briefing room". I stood up and so did my commander. We left the leftovers of our morning meal at the table and walked to the briefing room. There we met with the general of the base, General Malkin. "General Jamis Malkin, at ease soldier" he said. I quickly at eased myself before taking a seat. There he briefed me on the new situation. "The remaining Pacific Coast Division Fur Military has been decimated". "The remaining are now all regrouping to a large European command base near the Mediterranean sea near northern Europe.

"We have successfully exterminated the ENTIRE Anthro Rebellion in both South and North America". "Now we are slowly winning the fight in Europe and the Middle East". "We have taken back Syria, Iraq, Iran, Ukraine, Russia, Finland, Sweden and Norway". "Now we have to recapture the rest of Europe". And even better, we are slowly winning the fight in Italy, Spain and most importantly Poland". "By taking these main countries, we can severe their supply lines and disrupt their communications". This news surprised me. I almost felt like jumping for joy like a little kid but I needed composure and self control to contain my excitement. "So, will I be assisting our troops on the front lines"? I asked. "Soon pilot". "But for now, we need you to take care of the Pacific Coast Division convoy that is moving to resupply Fur troops on the frontlines". "The convoy is approximately 35-40 miles out". "We must not let them resupply the Furs". "Once we surround the rest of the European region, we must sever all communications and keep supplies from getting in". "Without supply shipments or stable communication lines, the Furs will be spread out unable to assist their frontline soldiers". "We will put so much pressure on the Fur Filth, they will collapse from under". I stood there is awe completely onboard with the plan and what I needed to do. "Report to the hanger in 09:00 Hours" the general said. "Yes sir". I walked out of the room excited and headed to the hanger with my gear all ready for the mission.

~ Hour and Half Later ~

~ Johnathan POV ~

After waiting for a while, It finally was time to strapp up and ready to take off to destroy the convoy. I prepared my helmet, vest, XM26 pistol and a few rounds of ammunition. Once I was all set, I climbed into my jet Hellhound. She was a beautiful sight to see especially on a marvelous day like today. I climbed into the cockpit and prepared all the controls for my jet. With that the hanger door opened and I closed my eyes praying for a safe mission and safe return home. I pulled out the hanger and onto the runway into my Delta SAS pattern. I slowly moved onto the tarmac before being given the word by my commander that I was all clear for takeoff. After radioing in, I prepared the throttle and with swift and shape motion, took off from the tarmac and into the air with ease. "En-route to target location" I say over the comms. "Roger that, report when you have visual coverage" aerial control radioed.

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