Chapter 6: New Home, New Comrades, New Squad

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~ Johnathan POV ~

It had been a day since joining the F.U.N and their Mediterranean Naval Operations forces. I wasn't very fond of the Furs and neither were they of me. When I walked down the halls to head towards the private hanger, most Furs gave me the normal death glares and daggers at me. I didn't pay them any mind and kept moving until I reached the hanger. When I was there, General Cortana greeted me. "I see your mechanics have been working a lot on Hellhound" I said. "Yes, and no thanks to you for constantly being on my ass about it" she replied. I chuckled at the statement while I watched as Hellhound was being fixed up and new symbols were being added. "So general, if we are going to be working together I hope you keep your part of the deal you forced me into". She looked down at me. "I would've never given you this opportunity unless I was willing to take a risk" she said. "Just remember not to get in my way". "Because if you do, burning down this entire base will be a lot easier than you think". She looked down at me again this time in a more serious and superior stance. "Are you threatening me, No-Fur"? she asked. "General, I don't make threats, I make guarantees". "So don't test me" I said. With that I walked away from her and decided to head to the cafeteria. It was just almost around noon so the cafeteria would be packed at this time. I eventually made it there and as I entered many stopped and looked at me. I gave a cold stare before going to the line to get my food. I could overhear growls, hisses and muffling of words under their breath. I just paid these damm Anthro punks no mind and went on with grabbing my food. I grabbed a small fries container, burger, salad and finally walked away. As I went to find a seat every Anthro quickly began to take up more space in an attempt to keep me from sitting at their table. I decided you know what, fuck it I'll just eat on the floor in the corner. I walked over to the corner at the end of the cafeteria and sat down and began to eat. I scanned the room as the Fur covered freaks kept staring at me as if I didn't deserve to be here. Just then, I noticed the snow leopard who captured me and brought me here to this base in the first place. I think her name was..... W-whirlw-ind. I quickly darted my eyes away from her as she began to look in my direction before setting her sights on me. I could feel the hate radiating from her gaze. Then, she stood up, slamming her food tray on the table and walked over to me. "Ahh, shit here we go" I said to myself. She walked up to me standing over me at a height of 6'5 while I'm 5'8. She growled at me and I could tell she wanted to beat my ass. "Look at me" she said sharply. I didn't give her the satisfaction and kept my eyes trained on my food as I continued to eat without a care in the world. She seemed to get angrier and then told me to look at her, again. "LOOK AT ME" she said a little louder and with a growl. I then without intimidation looked up. I could see the anger but also devastation in her eyes. "TELL ME WHY" she said angry bearing her teeth at me. I just sarcastically made a grin on my face. "I'm busy eating right now, so you can fuck off for all I care" I said before looking away and back down at my food. She growled very loudly and it caught the attention of the nearby tables. I didn't know if she was going to strike me or something but eventually I noticed a cheetah Fur freak came over and grabbed her by the shoulder. "He's not worth it". "Don't give him what he wants" she said. She began to help Whirlwind back to her table and seat. But just as they started to walk away, me being the jerk and pain in the ass who couldn't keep his mouth shut, decided to taunt her. "Just remember, you brought me here". "I'm sure your former general would be ashamed". "Though, I would've loved to see what she looked like after blowing her up to pieces" I said. She stopped walking and I could see her claws quickly start to become sharp as they started sticking out from her paws and were now visible. The entire cafeteria stopped and looked at her before looking at me because of what I said. "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE"?!?!! she yelled. "You killed my friends, my general, my family, the children I cared for"!! "Do you not have a SINGLE ounce of remorse"??!! She said yelling and crying at the same time. All the other Furs were looking at her with concern and sympathy. I stood up and tossed my tray aside since I was done eating all my food. "Remorse is a weakness, and I bled that weakness away" I said. I turned and walked away towards the exit of the cafeteria. "You know something, kid"?? "You really are a heartless bastard" a snake fur said. "I think you should take a good look in the mirror and look back at all the heartless death you caused humans when you started this war, you ugly ass mutant freak" I said to the snake. The snake didn't say anything else. And with that I walked out without batting another eye.

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