Chapter 40

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A/N: I'm back with a new chapter. This one is a hard chapter to write. So, I love motionless in white and black veil brides and this was just popped into my head. Anyways I had a lot to deal with since the last chapter. Anyways most of my band fanfic's have been updated. So please enjoy. 

Last time

Ash POV:

When Rose left, I just sat there and thought everything over. I knew that my secret would get out and someone would have told her. But why did it take this long. Then it dunged on me, when Chris said something about how I was always watching and looking at her, I didn't realize she was outside when he said those words.

Rose. When I first saw her, she was beautiful, while holding a little boy and being a complete mess. She wasn't even 21 at the time when she moved in with CC. Then I met Drew, I was Jealous because I thought he was her boyfriend. Then I found out that he was her brother's partner and best friend.

Rose. Right after when she moved in with CC it was a complete hell. He hardly gotten any sleep. He was always up late at night with Rose because of her nightmares or he would be up with AJ. After two months of this, us as a band all decided to step in and help CC with Rose and AJ. After two months of that she finally let us in.

Then the unthinkable happen. Rose met Chris Fucking Motionless. The lead singer of Motionless in White. I just thought they would be friends. Then I saw him kiss her. I was upset. I went and got drunk. I was upset and pissed and angry. I wanted to be in his place.

Court. Rose had to go to court, and she was scared of losing AJ. She was scared. I was scared. AJ was my little rebel. I love Rose for taking care of him no matter what she was going through. She always made sure that AJ came first. I was happy when she was given AJ back and if his mother's side ever tries anything again their would-be trouble for them.

End of Tour. The end of tour was coming up and Chris was acting strange around everyone. Rose came and talked to CC about it. Each time I tried to listen they would stop. I know it had something to do with Chris and her.

The Rape. The night it broke my heart when I found her. Even to this day it haunts me. I wish I could have gotten their sooner. But the cops think they know who could have done it.

Glancing at the clock it was getting late but I knew I would be able to sleep tonight. Thinking back to the first years that Rose used go on Tours with us. She used to hand us things like water bottles, towels and what not. Rose would be so nervous around me. I would smile at her but each time before I could kiss her cheek, CC or Andy would tell that AJ needed her or something need to be done or they needed help to get the fans in line for the meet and greet.

All those memories came floating back to me, and I just need to wait a little more. I knew now that she feels the same for me. I just hope that Chris doesn't convince her to go back to him.

Chapter 40

Rose POV

Today I would be meeting with Chris. I would be meeting with my so-called boyfriend. It was about time that I talked with him. It's been four days since I called him and talk with him about setting up a day to meet. We planned on meeting at a unknow coffee shop. It was best to meet somewhere that no fans would think about looking for them. I was still confused about everything and what to do about it. I needed to hear Chris out and he needed to hear me out to know the truth and what was going on in my brain. I needed to settle this before both bands deices to not tour with one another and hurt the fans.

I sighed sitting in the back of the car with Drew and Andy. CC was driving and both his brothers wanted to make sure I felt safe. Looking out the window Drew said, "It's going to be fine. You need to talk to Chris about everything, just stay clear of saying Ashley's name."

"I know. AJ is upset that he can't talk with the motionless band mates. I know it's because of me. I want both bands to be on the same page and get along with one another." I said and it was the truth.

I didn't want to be the reason why they can't get along in the first place. Looking down at the letter it was everything I wanted to say to him. I needed to tell him everything and I wrote it down to help me explain everything to him.

When we arrived, I knew it was time. It was time to get this over with. Walking into the shop I noticed that we we're early and that they haven't arrived yet. I sat down and waited.

Chris POV

It's been a week since the yelling match in front of Andy's House. A week when I told them how Ashley was looking at her. Four days since she called and wanted to talk with me. A whole four days. Today we would be meeting with her along with Andy, Drew and CC.

I was just happy that Ashley wasn't there. Yet I glanced at my social media pages and there were rumors flying around about Rose. About what truly happened. I needed to know the truth and I needed to know if I still stand a chance with Rose or not.

I got out of the car and walked into the coffee shop and walked over to them. I noticed that CC was sitting next to her while Drew and Andy were at another table. I nodded to Ryan and Ghost. They both walked over and sat down with Andy and Drew.

I smiled and said, "Hey Love."

She didn't look at me. She kept her eyes down on the table and said, "Please take a seat while we talk because we might not be together after this."

That made my blood boil. I sat down and waited for her to start. I watched the way she started to cross her arms around herself and kept her eyes down cast and her hair covering her face.

"Chris, what happened was that I was rapped, and I was stabbed. I'm not sure how much or if I was really rapped. But I know that I'm broken right now. And I don't think it would be wise to continue this relationship." She spoke.

I was shocked. It all made sense why Andy and CC have been calling me nonstop and why she yelled at me and Ashley. It made more sense than it did that night. But she was rapped, rapped that one word sent me over the edge.

"How did this rape happen??" I asked her.

"Not by choice and I wasn't out with anyone. I was home alone when it happened. They knocked me out. The rest I found out by the reports. But I take that you don't or want to believe what I'm telling you. I understand when or if you want to leave right now." She spoke.

"Leave me? So, you can run into Ashley's awaiting arms. Fine go-"

"That's not it. I don't want to do that. If you deiced that I'm not worth anything, then fine. I'll leave you alone as long as you can behave around the bvb guys. They have nothing to do with this or with me." She spoke.

I sighed and said, "What if I still want you?"

"You don't. If you did you wouldn't be judging me. But I undusted that I failed. So please I want to end this. I loved you. I still do but not in the same way as I once did. I'm not going to be with anyone any time soon. Not even Ashley. I know you're thinking I'll run into his arms after this night. But no. I already talked with him. I'm not going to be with anyone any time soon."

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