Chapter 12

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A/N: Well I am back with another Chapter sorry for about keeping everyone waiting. I've had family stuff going on. So before we move on to the story I have some questions, does anyone watch Scream the tv series on MTV, Big Brother on CBS? Doctor who on BBC America or netflix? America's best dance crew (ABDC) On MTV? If anyone does please comment or message me about what you think of these shows. 


Rose's POV

I woke up and played some random music while I was packing for tour. I had a lot to pack and I was just finishing packing my last bag when Aj ran into my room and said, "Aunt why is Grandma trying to take me away from you?"

I couldn't talk, I drop the thing I was holding and fell down and said, "Aj where did you hear this from?"

He backed away and said, "I heard Uncle CC talking to Uncle Drew."

I looked away and said, "Do you want to live with your grandma or do you want to stay with me?"

Aj ran over to me and said, "I want to stay with you. I don't want to live with her she never came to see us when we moved and I only talked with her twice."

I nodded my head and held Aj to me and said, "I won't let her take you from me. No matter what. I promise you that Aj."

He kissed me and said, "Me can help you pack right?"

I smiled and nodded my head and we started to finish packing my bags and we walked over to him room and he packed his toys that he wanted to take. Then we started to pack his clothes.

Once we were all done I looked at the clock and noticed that it was almost noon and the bus would be here any minute now. AJ was already dress and he headed down stairs and then he ran back and said, "Mommy there are strange people here I don't know who they are."

I got up and headed to the door down stairs and answered the door. I saw the girlfriends of bvb standing by some random girls. Juliet looked at me and smiled and said, "Rose how are you?"

I looked at her and smiled and said, "Pretty good. Just been packing for tour, with AJ's help."

Juliet looked down by legs and said, "Hey little man how have you been?"

AJ looked at Juliet and said, "Jul I missed you. Uncle Andy is still sleeping, Uncle CC is up though but packing right now. Who are your friends?"

Juliet glanced behind her and said, "AJ ROse, you know Ella, Sammi, the other girls are the girlfriends of the guys in motionless."

Aj looked at them and said, "Leave my mommy-aunt alone and don't bother with Uncle Chris, uncle Ange, Uncle Ghost, uncle Ricky uncle Ryan or uncle Balz."

I glanced down at Aj and said, "Aj what did I tell you about bossing people around??"

He looked at the girls and ran off. I just shook my head and opened the door wider and said, "Come on in. The guys are still asleep. So you can wake them up if you want."

They each came into the house and walked away to find their men while I walked into the kitchen and started to find something to eat when I was handed a  bowl of fruit. I looked at the person and saw that it was CC. I smiled and said, "Thanks. But I'm not-"

"Don't go there. You need to eat no matter what happened you still need food. I know right now its hard but Drew found out that stupid women had already sent out papers and Drew is at the court house right now."

I nodded my head when there was a knock on the door. Glancing at CC I walked away and answered door.

"Rose Turner?" Asked the cop with a women with him.

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