Chapter 31

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Rose's POV

The day passed and AJ was out with Andy and Juliet. Everyone was out for the night. I was home alone. I didn't text or call Chris because I knew that he would text or call when he wanted to. I sighed and sat down and just thought about everything and nothing. While thinking my phone started to ring. I picked it up and it saw that it was Chris.

"Hey babe what's up?" I said.

I heard Chris sigh and said, "I miss you. When will I see you again?"

"Maybe when tour starts up again. But I really don't know," I told him.

"Would it be okay if I come and visit you?" He asked.

"Ask CC because its is house not mine," I told him.

Chris sighed and said, "Okay. I know the time differences is messed up so I got to get some rest. Talk to you later babe."

Chris hung up. I knew something was wrong because we would be talking for hours. I walked up to my room and started think things over and the only thing I could think about was maybe I made a mistake with being with him. The tour tried us out, but he wouldn't kiss me or anything. I sighed and turned my light of and went to bed.

Ashley's POV

CC, Daisy and I were at the bar just chilling and have some drinks. I looked over at him and said, "What's up with Rose? She seems down."

CC sighed and said, "I don't know, but I think something happened between her and Chris. I noticed that they started growing distant between one another."

Daisy sighed and said, "She did seem down. AJ said that she's been like this every since his grandparents tried to take him from her. I think that maybe Chris was wanting a tour fling."

I watched as CC's face darkened. He sighed and let everything he was feeling go and said, "I just hope that they work things out or break it off. I don't want her hurt ever again. She's my sister and I want her happy. She hasn't been happy in a long as time. I feel bad because she's been rising AJ and never goes out with anyone."

Daisy looked up and said, "well if Chris is still acting like this before tour next month why don't we each take turns watching AJ on the weekends and let her have a weekend to herself and take her out to relax."

I looked at CC and said, "That's not a bad idea. Anyways I hear Ronnie is throwing a party tomorrow before he goes on tour. Maybe we all should go. We each can keep an eye on AJ for her. She'll be able to relax and have fun and still keep an eye on AJ."

CC nodded his head and we all started to think about other things. We then got up and walked out of the bar and headed home. All the lights were out, but the door was wide open. Cc and I jumped out of the car and ran to the house. When we walked in everything was knocked over.

"Ash is that blood?" Asked CC.

"I don't know. Lets check on Rose," I told him.

We walked into Rose's room and when we opened the door, she was stripped of her clothes and she was knocked out. I ran over to her and noticed that she was bleeding and had cuts. I checked to see if she's breathing and she was.

"CC she's alive. You need to call the cops. I don't think she was raped. Someone made it look like she was," I told him.

CC called the cops and stayed with her as I walked out of the house and walked over to Daisy. She got out and said, "What happened?"

"Someone attacked Rose. I don't think she was raped. their was a towel on the bed. She might have been taking a shower," I told her.

The cops showed up and walked inside. CC and I had to talk to them about Rose and how we found her. I walked away as the paramedics arrived to look over Rose. It seemed that the person drugged her.

I pulled out my phone and group dialed all of the guys in BVB. Jake picked up, then Jinxx and then Andy.

"Hey man I just got AJ to bed," said Andy.

"Ash if your drunk so help me I'll kill you," said Jinxx.

"Bad timing bro" said Jake.

"Look guys sorry for calling late, but Rose was attacked. CC's house was broken into and the paramedics are going to be taking her to the hospital. I didn't want CC calling you guys because he needs to focus on Rose. It seemed that she was drugged and they don't know if she was raped or not, but she's covered in blood," I told them.

"Fuck, Ash text me when they take her to the hospital. I'll get dressed and wake up," said Jinxx.

"I got to tell Juliet. I'm not bring AJ to the hospital. So text me," Said Andy.

"Yeah man. Text me to," said Jake.

"I well guys," I told them as we ended the call.

I turned to Daisy and said, "Should we call Chris?"

"No. Let's just wait and see how Rose is first. They are about to bring her out. She'll be taken  to a hospital about 20 minutes from here," Daisy told me.

I nodded and texted the guys. I sighed and waited for CC. The two cops told me that they will be talking to everyone on the street. But they did tell us that she was drugged. I sighed and understood what they mean. Soon some fans that knew where CC lived were taking pictures as they were bring Rose out.

"Well so much for keeping that quiet," I told Daisy.

A/N: Well I updated again this month. Well another thing is that this story will be on hold until January 2017  because I am working on the next chapter as we speak but I like to be two to three chapters ahead before updating again. Also any comments are welcome and again thanks for reading.

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