Chapter 6

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A/N: Thanks for reading and commenting and voting for this story. With that out of the way one with the story. :D


The next couple of days were busy. Chris and the rest of motionless were staying with CC along with the rest of black veil brides. AJ was having a blast with a new group of guys. Lets just say that AJ has most of motionless wrapped around his little finger.

Waking up and looking around I noticed that the house was too quiet. I would normally hear talking or music playing down stairs. Getting up I looked though my clothes and decided on tights, my black skirt that wasn't really a skirt but it looked a lot like one, and I pulled out a black spaghetti top and also a black see through light jacket with skulls all over. I put those on and walked into my bathroom and washed my face and brush my teeth and applied my make-up.

Once I was done with that I brushed my hair and left it down, but pulled it back so that it wasn't in my face. Walking out of my room and down stairs I hear the guys talking but quietly. I slowly and quietly walked over to the door of the kitchen and stopped and listened in on the conversation.

"CC why did you ask me if I needed a new merch girl?" asked Chris.

"I asked every single band out there. Why did I do that? It was because I want Rose to live a fun life. She was just getting scared and worried about AJ. It hasn't been long since we got her to let AJ be with one of us while she went to school or at the daycare." Said CC.

"Chris we're not asking you to fall for her or anything. We just want her to have more friends and also to get her out of the house. All she does is sit in her room and write and do her college work, also she will cook." Said Jake.

"I see what you guys mean. Why didn't you ask her to come on tour with you guys?" asked Ricky.

"We did. She said that the only way that she would come on tour with us is if she becomes a merch girl. But we already have someone selling our merch for us, its Jake's niece Alice. So that was the reason why CC was asking. And also we were worried about her." Said Sammie.

I couldn't handle hearing that and then I heard AJ, "Yea what they said. But mommy-aunt needs someone. I know she's scared that something might happen to me. But daddy wouldn't like it if she was all alone."

That was it. I couldn't deal with them talking behind my back. Walking into the kitchen I took my medication and noticed that everyone has been quiet. I tuned around and looked at everyone and said, "What?"

AJ came running over to me and said, "mommy-aunt I was supposed to wake you."

"Aww I'm sorry AJ. I couldn't sleep well. Hey you can wake me up all you want on tour. But right now I need to go for a walk do you wanna come with me or hang out with the guys?"

AJ looked at me and his face looked like he was trying not to laugh while he was thinking. Then he looked at me and over at the guys and back at me and said, "I'll stay here. Go for your walk what you need to do. I love you."

I hugged AJ and walked out the door with out a word to any one of the guys. But before I walked out the door I just looked back and noticed that they all started to talk again. Once I was outside I started to run until I came to an abandon park. No one was around so I could cry all I wanted to. Sitting there alone I knew that what the guys had said was true.

I never go out, I would always asked AJ if he wanted to come with me no matter where I went, or I would just take him. It was true that I didn't really leave the house and that I've grown closer to all of the guys over the year or so.

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