chapter 19

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A week went by since my one date with Chris, the tour was starting to tire me out. I haven't gotten a chance to talk to Chris or even Cc. AJ has been a little trooper by helping me setting up and taking down along with selling the merch. All the fans liked him but their were some fans that started to call me names, but wouldn't out right say it.

Today was one of those days that I heard a fan talking about we when I was on my way to set the merch. I was taking a break and AJ was off hanging out with CC and the rest of BVB. I was going to grab some water, while standing in line I heard a fan that was behind me talking.

"Did you guys see the new merch girl for motionless in white?" Asked one girl.

"Yeah what about her?" Asked her friend girl number 2.

"Well I don't know about you two, but I think she's lying about that little boy being her nephew," Said the girl number one.

"Are you kidding me. He does look like her, but I've seen a picture of her brother. Actually one of my cousins knew her brother. The little boy isn't her," Said the third girl.

"Are you sure?" Asked girl number two.

"Yeah," said girl number three.

The line moved a little faster and soon I was in the front. I grabbed a bottle of water and paid for it. Then I walked back to the merch table. I had some time left before fans would be coming by to buy something and get things signed from motionless, and then they would be preforming and then after they preform I had to pack everything up and we would be leaving for the next venue.

"Rose you okay?" Asked Ricky when I got back to the tent.

"Why would you be asking?" I asked him.

"Look I'm sorry if it seemed they we were integrating you, we didn't mean to. Just wanted to get to know was all," he said.

"I'm sorry Ricky, just too much going on right now," I told him.

Before he could say anything else the other guys came back and sat down and were waiting for the fans to come by. I pushed everything back and locked it in my mind.

The fans piled in and my phone buzzed stating I had a text. No one was buying anything so I looked at my phone and noticed that I had a text from Drew.

Rose, we go Thomas back in jail. He was drinking and rapid a girl about 18. He said that the girl looked just like you. All I know right now is that he's in jail. Also Thomas wants to talk to you, he said that if you didn't come and talk to him that he'll hunt you down. I'm trying to protect you, so the choice is yours to make. -Drew.

Thanks for letting me know. Are those records of what he did in his past locked away under key?-RoseFallen_

Those records are not for public eyes. I promise you that no one will find out what happened. So how was your date last week? _Drew

It was okay. I gotta go. Call me tomorrow. I have the day off. AJ wants to talk to you as well. _RoseFallen

I went back to selling merch and I only glanced over at Chris and he didn't even look at me. Soon all of the fans left and the guys got up and each one of them walked away to finish getting ready for the show. I got up and started to restock the table just in case some if the fans that didn't make the signing could at least buy some merch.

When I was putting shirt on the table I felt arms wrapped around me and said, "I'm sorry if you feel like I've been ignoring you. I'm not just to let you know."

I let a small smile appear on my lips when I said, "I know. I have a lot on my plate myself. Next week we'll be where I used to live. So I have to go to court and then maybe before Court I can visit my brothers grave."

"Okay, I'll come with you to the court and to see your brothers grave and maybe I can meet Drew and hear his big brother speech."

I smiled at that when I turned in his arms and kissed his cheek and said, "I just hope he doesn't scare you off or anything."

"Ha ha he won't scare me off. I promise you that much. And you won't lose AJ. Your are doing the best that you can," He told me as he kissed me.

"I think you are forgetting that you have a show you need to preform right now," I told him.

"You're right. I'll see you after the show," He said as he kissed me and ran to the stage.

Thirty minutes later I saw CC carrying AJ over to me. I smiled when I remember my brother carrying AJ to meet me for the very first time. I smiled at the memory of standing at the airport. I was happy and scared to see my brother after a long time but at the time I didn't realize that he had married and had a little boy. I found out that when I was going though some things that my parents ditched me to go to his wedding but to be honest I wasn't in the right in the mind at the time to go to his wedding because I would have said something that I would regret.

"Rose are you okay?" Asked CC when I realized he was sitting next to me with a sleeping AJ in his arms.

"Yeah I'm fine. Just thinking about when I first saw AJ. I can't believe how much he has grown up. It seemed like yesterday I had to leave Cali and live with my brother in another state and then he was murdered and then I called you and asked if you could take us in till I got back onto my feet. I'm grateful for that. Now I have to go to court and I'm just scared that the judge will demand that AJ lives with his grandmother because I'm not doing a good job with him. If the judge demands that he has to live with his grandparents I'll fall again and I mostly likely be able to pull though," I told him.

"I won't let him be taken from you. I'll be there for you no matter what. I'll help you. I won't let you slip though bad habits again. I made a promise to your brother the day he was laid to rest and I plan on keeping that promise," he said to me.

A/N: hey guys I'll be updating every other Friday or sunday as of right now. I'll try and update in between if I can. So until next time.

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