Ch apter 21

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A/N: Heads up the next few chapters made me want to cry because part where Rose is taking care of her nephew is something I can relate to because when I was 9/10 years old, I had to take care of my niece who at the time was between 6weeks old to about a year old until my sister moved back in with her boyfriend, also with my nephew because I am super close to him and he isn't even 4 yet. Plus the fact that I'm really close to my brother and I'm always thinking the worst when he's gone for so many house during the day and I just keep thinking about what is going to happen to my nephew and if I will ever see him again. Anyways enough of my rant or what not on with the story.



Rose POV

Drew went to the van and returned with a women who looked some what like JJ from criminal minds. When they got closer to me I noticed that he was happy.

"Rose, this is Holly. Holly this Rose my little sister, maybe not by blood but by a close friendship I had with her brother and promised him I would look out for him," Said Drew.

I smiled and said, "Hi Holly, its nice to meet you, Drew told me a little about you."

"Hey Rose it good to finally meet you. I guess now I can see why Drew is so worked up about protecting you," Said Holly.

Before I could do anything AJ came running out of the bus yelling at the top of his lungs, "Uncle Drew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

AJ ran right for Drew, and Drew picked him right up and said, "How are you little buddy ?"

"I'm good. Uncle Cc, uncle Andy, uncle Ash, uncle Jake, uncle Jinxx, uncle Chris, uncle Angelo, uncle DG (Devin or Ghost) uncle Ryan, uncle Balz, and uncle Ricky have been really fun to hang out with. They even are teaching me how to play the drums, base, guitar, and the keyboard," Said AJ.

"Wow that cool little man. Where is Cc and this Chris?" Drew asked.

"Hey man how have you been?" Asked Cc as he walked up next to me.

Soon after I felt arms around my waist and Drew noticed as well and said, "So you must be Chris then?"

I smiled when I looked up at Chris and noticed that he looked a little scared. Of course CC was trying not to laugh because he knew how Drew could be scary when he wanted to be.

"Its nice to meet you Drew. Cc, Rose, and AJ has told me a lot about you," Said Chris.

Drew smiled and said, "That's good I guess. AJ and CC has told me a lot about, but Rose here hasn't really said much. We'll talk more later when the ladies and child isn't present."

Andy and everyone from both bands joined us. I introduced Drew and Holly to everyone and AJ didn't like Holly at all. We all could tell that he stayed away from her. I didn't question it.

"Alright MIW I'm going with Rose here, stay out of trouble. I don't want to find out that you guys did something stupid got it," Chris warned them.

Everyone laughed and CC looked at Andy and said, "I'll be back later, no one touches my monsters or your dead. That goes for everyone."

I laughed at that and CC looked at me and said, "That goes for you to Rose. But AJ is different."

I made a sad face and Chris kissed my neck and said, "I'll get you all the monsters you want and CC won't be able to have any of it."

I laughed and said, "Thank you Chris."

We all got into the care and left for the grave yard.

Two hours later we were at the grave yard. I looked down at AJ and said, "Are you ready to see mommy and daddy?"

He looked at me and nodded his head. We all got out of the van and walked over his grave. I place a red rose on my brothers grave and on my sister in laws grave. AJ said the same and so did Drew.

"I'm going to walk back to the van. So you guys take your time. I was hear yesterday so Jason knows everything. So I'll leave you all alone," Said Drew.

Drew and Holly walked back to the van. It was quiet and CC said, "Hey guys. I've been looking over Rose and she's doing pretty good for herself. She's stronger than anyone realizes. AJ has gotten so big. You two would be proud of him. He told me he wants to be like his daddy but he also wants to be a Rocker like me. So don't be mad if he decided which one he chooses. And Rose found someone for now. He's a pretty good guy in my book as of right now. Well I'll cut this short, I miss you guys. I'll try and come out sooner or later. I love you guys."

CC walked to the van and I glanced down at AJ and said, "Go a head and talk to them."

AJ looked up at me and then back at the headstone and said, "Hi mommy, hi daddy. I don't know if you remember me or not, but I am AJ your son. I don't really remember you but Rose always shows me pictures of you all the time. So I know what you look like. I don't know what I want to be when I am big like uncle CC and Rose but whatever I will be I'll make you all proud. I love Rose's new job and all the guys are really cool, though they swear a lot which Rose doesn't like me to here. But I promise that I will be a good boy and I promise that I'll try and remember you. I have to go now mommy and daddy. But I am scared that mommy's mom will try and take me from aunt Rose. Please help Aunt Rose keep me, I'm worried that if I was to be taken from her that something bad would happen to her. I love you mommy and daddy. I hope one day I get to see you again."

AJ walked over to the van and it was just me and Chris. I knelt down and sighted. I looked up at the sky and said, "Hey Jason. I've kept my promise to raise him. But his grandmother wants him and is trying to take him from me. I'm scared that if the judge says I'm not fit that I might spiral out of control again. I've been doing really good. Cc has been watching me real close because he knows all the patterns all to well. I have a job for now, but I'm not sure if I can keep it unless AJ is home school all the time and I want him to have a normal childhood, but he enjoys seeing all of these different people and learning how to play the drum, guitars, and sing. I'm doing everything that I can. I have found someone. His name is Chris and he likes AJ. AJ adores him. I miss you Jason and I have to do something that you won't like. Thomas wants me to talk to him. I'm going to, because he knows something that I don't know. Please Jason don't be pissed off. I know that you know but please don't be mad that I didn't tell anyone else. I don't want them to think any differently about me. I love you Jason and I'll protect AJ as long as I can."

I kissed my hand and placed it onto the grave and said, "Until next time big brother."

I got up and started to walk to the van until I stopped and looked at Chris and said, "Are you coming?"

"I will in a minute, I want to talk to your brother alone for a minute," Chris told me.

I smiled and nodded my head and walked back to the van. When I got there Drew hugged me and said, "Are you alright?"

"I am now, but now Thomas is another story. I guess tonight or tomorrow I gotta go see him, I might do it tomorrow," I told him.

"Well I told him at four because tomorrow he's going to be in court so can you do it now?" Drew asked me.

"Okay I will now. So I guess we should leave to get to the Jail right now then," I said.

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