Chapter 22

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A/N: Well here is another chapter. But I have a question for all the readers on here, who all watches faceoff? I was shocked to find out that the person who won this season was only 20. I was rooting for him and this other person. Well that's all I have to say. Also just a warning these next few chapters are kinda sad, I was somewhat crying because as I was rereading these chapters yesterday, I realized my brother's baby momma is taking him back to court because of the fact that the baby's momma's mother doesn't want my brother to see his son. Its a lot of bs right now. So when I fixed up these next few chapters I was in tears. Enough about me, on with the story, P.S. Remember guys this is a band fiction and nothing in the story is real.


Rose's POV

Two hours went by and now I was sitting in front of Thomas, with Drew watching me through the windows. I didn't want to look at the man who killed my brother and sister in law. I didn't even bring AJ into the room, he stayed outside with Chris, Drew's girlfriend, and CC.

"Awe my little sis is all grown up, how have you been slut?" Said Thomas.

"I've been better. But what did you want to see me about?" I asked him.

"I'm going to help AJ's grandparents to take AJ from you, Once they find out what kind of girl you are. AJ's grandparents want their grandson and they don't understand why that they would give him to you," Said Thomas.

"You know why? I can protect him, and Jason would want me to keep him safe. So why do you want to ruin what I have? You already took my brother from me. You took everything that I held dearly and you even rubbed me of the one thing I wanted to give to someone who I will love," I told him.

"Ah yes, I forgot that I got you drunk and used you. Does Drew know about that? Does your new boyfriend know that you slept with you own brother?" Asked Thomas.

I looked away and said, "You got me drunk to the point that I don't remember anything besides waking up. But you forget that you are only my step brother. Jason was my brother and always will be. Is there something else you want to talk to me about because if not I got to go and I have thing to do."

" Does AJ know who I am?" Thomas asked me.

"He knows that you are a monster who hurt his aunt, and the one who killed his parents. AJ is still a kid. At least Jason wasn't a rapist or a child rapist at that," I spat at him.

Thomas laughed and when he touched my hand I jumped up and backed away from him. Drew came into the room and said, "That's enough. Come one Rose we need to go before I do something that I'll regret."

We walked out of the room and back into the lobby and we signed out. When we got outside I leaned against the building. I was trying to control everything that I was felling. I looked around and noticed that I was alone with Drew.

"Rose what happened?" Asked Drew.

"He's told me that he's going to tell the judge about what happened. He got me drunk and he's going to turn me into a bad person. I can't lose AJ," I told him.

"It's in the past and we have that report that you made. And he won't be able to get near you. AJ's grandparents won't be able to take AJ from you because of the will that your brother and sister in law made. It states that you have AJ and no one can take him from you," Said Drew.

I sighed and knew that he was right. Drew hugged me and said, "Come on before CC gets too upset with you being in their."

We walked back over to where CC, Chris, Drew's girlfriend and AJ. CC took one good look at me and knew that Thomas said something that really got to me.

"Rose what happened?" asked CC.

"CC not now. She's upset and not all of us know what happened and also AJ is wake, we can talk about this later," said Drew.

"Drew let's get some pizza, wings, and some drinks and head back to your place with everyone to chill for awhile and then we can drop them off after an hour or two," Said Holly (Drew's Girlfriend).

"What do you guys think?" Asked Drew.

Everyone agreed. We all piled into the van and head to Drew's house which was my brother's old one. When we reached the house Drew looked over at me and said, "Everything in his study is the same. If you want to go and look around."

I looked at AJ and Drew said, "We got him. Just go."

I ran up to the door and unlocked it and ran into the study and shut the door. I leaned against the door and started to cry. I let everything I've been holding in out. I cried so hard that I when I looked up their stood the picture that I had take of me, Jason, my sister in law, and AJ. Then next to it was a picture of me and Jason. That picture was taken when I moved in with him, after everything that Thomas had done, and when my parents died.

I got up and walked over to it. I picked it up and noticed that something fell out from the back of it. I picked up the object and realized that it was a key to the safe behind his painting that he made back in high school. I walked over to it and moved the painting. When I placed the key in the hole of the safe and turned it, it opened and I saw papers with writing and pictures. Then I saw videos.

I walked out of the room and yelled, "Drew, CC can you guys come to the study?"

They came running up to the study and Drew looked at the safe and said, "What's in their?"

"I don't know, it was letters, pictures, and video tapes and DVDS. Drew was Jason having Thomas followed?" I asked.

Drew looked through the pictures and said, "Yes why do you ask?"

"Maybe he was having AJ's grandparents being followed and it seems that there is a DVD that says reasons why AJ shouldn't live with his grandparents," I said.

Drew pulled out his cell and called the lawyer that handled everything with Jason's funeral and who is our lawyer now. Drew smiled and said, "Yes I can bring them tomorrow. Okay. Yeah we just found them. Jason told us that their was nothing in the safe and that there was never a key. I know that he had a key but Rose didn't. She thought it was a combo lock. Okay see you tomorrow."

Drew looked at me and said, "Did you know the safe was a key lock?"

"No, it was always a combo lock, but Jason did say that he changed it the same day he was going on vacation," I said.

A/N: Well there is the chapter. I'll update again soon.


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