Chapter 15

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A/N: Hey guys, I'm not sure on the guys girlfriends so if anyone could help me out a little bit on that, I thank you in advance. So here is the next chapter. Yes I know that I updated early. So I will not be updating on the first of November. Also an update on my step dad, he isn't doing to good, he is almost bedridden so I have been helping my mom out. Also I am slowly working on another story more details to come in December.


Rose's POV

Two hours later and everything was set up. We had the tents up to sell the merch and what not. I looked at the time and noticed that it was only 9 am and that warped would be opening up any time now for all of the kids to come pilling in and buying what not.

Three hours passed bay and AJ looked at me and said, "Ro I'm hungry."

"We'll have to wait till Chris comes by with our passes little man. Then maybe we can go and get some food or something."

So far not a lot of people stopped by and then I saw Chris walking over to the tent and said, "The other person who is supposed be selling merch with you had to head home so each of us are going to take turns with you and also here are you passes with Ids."

Chris handed us the passes. I put my pass around my neck and just AJ's around his, but I took a safety pin and pinned his to his shirt so that he wouldn't lose it.

Chris sat down next to us and said, "So are you guys hungry?"

AJ looked at me and then over at Chris and said, "Me hungry."

"Chris why don't you take them to the food tent while Me and Ricky will keep watch over everything for an hour. Then we have to get ready for the set since we play at three and its only one. Go get food you guys."

AJ jumped up and pulled me while we followed Chris to the food tent. The line was long and Chris was getting weird looks. Then I noticed that CC walked over to us and said, "Hey guys whats up."

"Uncle CC." Yelled AJ and ran up to him.

CC laughed and picked Aj up and walked back over to us and said, "Aj you can't run like that. See these scary looking people, they could be scary and eat you up."

"Speak for yourself Coma." Yelled Ronnie from FIR.

Ronnie walked over with some random guys that I didn't know.

"CC when did you become and uncle?" Asked someone that looked like he was good friend with Ronnie but not so much with the rest of the band.

"Ronnie, Craig, and rest of escape the fate and falling in reverse, meet my sweet sister, and her nephew AJ. Rose is Chris's new merch girl. Rose these are two other bands that we'll be tour with after warp. There is one more band but I guess they aren't here yet."

I smiled and said Hi. The guys started to talk while I hung back, till my phone's ringtone started to play demon's fate by Within Temptation. When I glance down at t he caller ID I looked up at CC and said, "CC. He's calling."

When I said that CC took my phone and put it on speaker and said, "I thought I told you years to go to leave her alone you prick."

"Where is the little flower whore who's my baby sister, is she still whoring around with emo's and fags alike. I see she has AJ with her. So I am guessing my brother is dead. Good then I can get her back."

"Listen you still have to get though Andrew and other people. As far as AJ he doesn't know you. Now leave her along and-"

"Rose how does it feel to have your favorite brother being killed along with his wife. Too bad you weren't there when it happened. And yes I was the one who arranged it. After all I did kill our parents." He said.

He is someone I hated. He was my older brother Thomas and he thought that when our parents died that I would be living with him but no, I went with lived with Jason.

CC hung up the phone because he didn't want to hear anymore or let people around us to hear. When I didn't move CC walked closer to me and said, "If its not one person attacking you its another. Rose I thought Thomas was locked up?"

"I thought he was to. I didn't realize that he was let out. Now I don't know. Maybe its just empty threats because of the fact that it was his best friend that was locked up and he didn't believe us at the time and now I don't know what to do," I told him.

Then AJ came over to me and said, "Row can we eat now."

I pushed all thoughts out of my mind and said, "Lets not let what just happen bother us so that we can just eat and enjoy some time together."

CC looked at me and said, "Rose we are going to call Drew when our set is over since we play right after Chris's band."

I nodded my head. I couldn't say anything because I didn't want to worry Aj. When we go into the food tent, I made AJ's plate and also I put small amounts of food on main because I didn't feel like eating.

An hour after we were done eating Chris walked me and AJ back to the merch tent. He left us their and him and Ricky and Ricky's girlfriend walked back to the buses to get ready. The girls left as well because they were meeting up with some friends.

Soon the tent got filled up with people who wanted to buy merch, I wasn't sure how I could deal with all of this on my own when Alli walked over and said, "Hey Rose right? I'm Ava Ryan adoptive sister. They guys wanted me to help you out today since they all had to get ready."

I smiled at Ava and said, "Thanks for the help. I really need it because of the fact that I have my nephew to keep an eye on."

She smiled and said, "He's cute. AJ you ready to help us out."

"I can do it my own self you know," Said AJ.

Then people rushed up to us and started to buy a lot of merch and all of their fans said AJ was a little handsome devil and what not. They all came and bought what they wanted.

After a while I heard lots of screaming fans and realized that the motionless guys were heading our way to do some meet and greets and what not. When AJ saw Chris and Angelo he go up and ran over to them. Angelo picked him up because Chris was talking to one of the security people.

"Hey Ava how was everything going? How did Rose do with the fans and the merch?" Asked Angelo.

Ava smiled and said, "Pretty good. But I need to get going. Tomorrow one of you guys should help her or convince your girlfriends to take turns on helping Rose out."

Chris finally made it over to us and said, "Hey Rose how was everything?"

"Okay till you walked over and made all of your fans go crazy."

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