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Hey guys how is everyone? Well I have some news to share with you all, and this note will be in my other story as well. So what I have to tell you is sad, but I posted a note a while ago about everything.

Now I am going to tell you guys everything right now. What's going on in my real life is that in September is that I found out that my step dad has cancer. He's been to the doctors and they have given him about three weeks to three months or less to live. I'm sorry about everything. So I just wanted you all to know.

But don't fear, I've been distracting myself by working on all of my stories on here, my fanfiction stories on fanfiction.net as well my own personal stories and poems. Well I also just wanted you to know that. I'll be updating again in November. Right now I'll be writing up chapters for these two main stories as well as something else.

One last thing is that I want to make up a playlist for both of my stories and I wanted you all to help me. So If anyone had a good song that would work or a chapter, a character or for the whole story please let me know.

The days in November that I'll be updating will be November 1 2015, November 9, 2015, November 15, 2015, November 23, 2015, November 29, 2015. These are the dates for the November, I'll be posting the dates in December.

So If anyone has any questions or what not please let me know. I'll try and update this month but I'm not sure If I'll be able to. Since I've been trying to ignore what's happening around me. I know that this is short an all but I wanted everyone to know what's going on. Thank you for understanding.

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