Chapter 33

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Rose's POV

I woke to beeping noises. When I woke up I saw Ashley, CC, Daisy, Andy, Juliet, Sammi, Ella, Jake, Jinxx, and AJ. Looking around I realized that I was in a hospital room. Sitting up I altered to everyone that I was up.

A doctor walked in and asked me questions. What's my names, age, month, year and what not. Then he said a cop would be stopping by to ask me questions about what happened. I was confused until he told me what happened. When he said that I started to cry and CC and Ash rushed into the room and they both held me.

The only words that went though my mind were, "Miss. Turner you were almost raped." They were on repeat. I couldn't believe that someone poisoned me and I didn't realized what was happening. Minutes passed by and a cop and a detective walked into the room.

"Officer why don't you wait outside. I can talk with them alone after all my partner needs your help with her friends," said the women Detective.

The cop walked outside and the detective took off her coat and pulled out her notebook and pen and said, "Mr. Purdy and CC can stay in here if they like or if you want they can leave."

I held on to them even more. I was just glade that everyone hadn't come back in yet. Ash held my hand and rubbed small circles, while CC rubbed my back.

"Miss. Turner, I should let you know my name is Kris, I knew your brother and was a good Officer. Your brother was the one who trained me and showed me what I should and shouldn't do as a cop. He used to drive by your school just to check up on you and he talk about you all the time. I promise you I will get this person who tried to rape you," said Kris.

I just nodded my head.

"Now you were lucky that Mr. Purdy and CC pulled up when they did. They interrupted the who ever who was about to rape you. They found finger prints of someone going out of a little boys window. I Believe that Mr. Purdy found you and he just missed the who ever it was. Mr. Purdy did tell us he check your pulse to make sure that you were still alive. Now Miss. Turner do you remember anything out of the ordinary after everyone left?" Detective Kris asked me.

"Yes. Now that I think about I do remember that the music room window was open. No one was in there and I thought that it was strange. Even the door was open. It was strange. I shut both and walked back into the kitchen and made something to drink and sat down for a bit. Then I got sleepy and then I went to bed. Then I woke up here," I said.

"It seems the poison that was given to you was give to you was a date rape drug. I suggest that you boys keep an eye on her and also the little's boy's room is off limits. Do you three have any place else that you can go to? And Miss. Turner I have called Drew, it seems he was another contact for you?" said Kris.

I sighed and said, "Thank you and I understand."

Kris left the room and it grew quiet. CC sighed and said, "Rose I know you don't want anyone to know what happened but we has some fans living on the same street and they posted what happened and Motionless hasn't found out yet or he hasn't called."

"It doesn't matter. I don't think Chris and I are going to be able to make it any longer. I knew what I was getting myself into and I had a feeling all he wanted and I realized something after raising AJ and after hearing Andy and Juliet announcing that they are having a baby, I've realized I want one myself. I know I was almost raped hours ago and I'm scared that it could happen again and I don't want that. I'm scared," I started to cry while telling them.

CC held on to me. While CC was holding me I heard him and Ash talking.

 "Ash, Go ask Jake and Jinxx to go and pack some thing. Tell Ella and Sammi to drive their cars because of the fact that whoever is after her knows our cars. Just pack clothes from me, AJ, some of AJ's Toys, and Rose's clothes. Grab whatever else you can think of. Also grab some things for me. Ask Andy if Rose and AJ can crash at his place. I am calling Draw once Rose and AJ is at Andy's because I think I know who might be behind this. If I am right I don't want them knowing where Rose and AJ are going to be," said CC.

"I'm away ahead of you on that CC. I think for tonight if Rose get out of here. You, me, Rose, and AJ, sleep in the same room. I'm not going back to my place. I texted my dog sitter. She and her sister are watching my dogs for me. So I'm good. Plus everyone has clothes for me at each house so I'm good," said Ash as he got up.

When he was gone, it grew quiet in the house and CC sighed. He held on to me and said, "Rose I am getting you a new phone. Daisy is getting it under her name so no one will be able to trace it back to you. I'll call Drew once we get the okay for us to stay at Andy's okay."

"Why me CC? What did I do to end up like this? Why? Why couldn't whoever is after me just leave me alone? Don't I already have enough scars and now they just added more? Does this mean that I should just keep adding to my scars and never heal?" I asked him while crying.

CC held me close and said, "Never think that again. If Jason was alive and this happened he would beat the crap out of who ever did this to you. I will If I were to find that person before the cops. I swore to your brother I would keep you and AJ safe no matter what. That is a promise I will no break because I already let you get almost rape. I need to get some air. I'll send in the others."

CC left the hospital room. When he walked out the others walked in. The only person that kept me from crying was AJ. I couldn't cry in front of him.

A/N: Hi Readers, thank you for reading.  I'm back as you can see and if you are one of the ones reading this story from the beginning thank you. I know I've been taking forever for updating but a lot has happen. So I wasn't in the mood to update for a while but I have been writing. I haven't stopped. I actually found my old flash drive or what its called, and started to work  on one of  my original stories I wrote back in 2015 and another story I wrote back in 2009.   I might put them on here like I did with carter. Anywho that's all for now. night.


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