Chapter 16

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Hi everyone, sorry for the long wait. I wanted to let you know the reason why? It was because of the fact that on 11/12/15 my stepdad died of cancer and all of last week I have been busy with trying to keep things calm within the house and family. But enough of sad news, On with this story.


Chapter 16

Its two weeks since Chris and I talked. Two weeks since warp started. Two weeks since Thomas threatened me and AJ. I had enough of the drama that was happening in my life. Plus CC made me call Drew and tell him everything that had happen.

Today was an off day. For the next two days was an off day for everyone. All the guys were chilling in the lounge or living area on the buss. Aj was out their with them and having fun. While I stayed to myself. I opened my laptop and started to go though my old stories that I started to work on. I was blasting music and typing away on my laptop when I heard my door closed. Looking up I saw Chris and just went back to writing.

"Hey how are you holding up?" He asked me.

I started to turn my music down when I felt his hand on main. I stopped writing and said, "As good as I can be why?"

"Just checking up on you. Listen we'll be at the venue tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow just you and me. CC said that he'll take AJ for a while."

I put my laptop down and looked up at him and said, "That sounds like fun."

He smiled and said, "Dress normal."

I nodded my head and said, "Is there something else that you wanted?"

He looked at me and said, "Yes but I don't think it's a good idea if I kissed you right now."

I just smiled and said, "Your right about that. But I'm not really doing anything important, I was just looking on netflix to what they had."

Chris walked back over and sat on the bed next to me and took my laptop and went though netflix and he said, "Well nightmare before Christmas is on there. Do you want to watch that. The guys are watching random things. And I was kinda bored."

"Damn it Chris I won't bite besides I know that your busy." I froze because I snapped at him.

I didn't say anything for a minute. I looked up at him and said, "Sorry. Just too much going on and I haven't had a chance to relax to clear my mind."

"Its okay. Don't worry about it. I know that you are going though a lot right now," Said Chris looking down.

I smiled and said, "Yeah your right, but it still doesn't mean I had to take it out on you like that. Sorry. So any who what movie did you want to watch again?"

"Nightmare before Christmas. I love that movie," He said to me.

I nodded and he set my laptop down so we both could watch the movie, and I

was fun just relaxing and watching a fun movie together and just chill. Some time during the movie I fell asleep.

When I woke up I realize the movie was over with and that someone was on the bed with me. Their hands were around my waist and when I rolled around I realized that Chris must have fallen asleep. I looked at the time and noticed that it was 6 Pm and that we would be stopping soon to get some food or what not and I had to get up, but I couldn't.

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