Chapter 24

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Rose's POV

I woke up at 6 am. I sighed and slowly got out of bed without waking Chris up. I grabbed my clothes and headed to the bathroom I took a shower, got out dried off, changed into my clothes. I looked in the mirror and started to apply cover up on the mark Chris left on me and then I did my normal make up. I walked out of the bathroom once I brushed my hair and left it down. I walked over to AJ's punk and shook him awake. When he saw me he said, "Why?"

"I'm sorry little man. I don't have control over this. I'll fight for you. You are my little boy and I don't want anyone to take you from me," I told him.

Aj got up and I pulled out his clothes and help him get ready. I put him in a black tee shirt and black jeans. I pulled out his shoes and put them on to him. I then helped him into the bathroom so that he could wash his face hands, and brush his teeth. I combed his hair and he walked into the living area.

I sat in his bunk and tried to keep it together. But I felt like I was going to fail him and I didn't want that to happen.

"Rose its going to be okay. I promise you," said Chris.

I gave a weak smile and said, "I hope so because AJ means a lot to me and if something were to happen to him I would be upset."

Chris pulled me to him and said, "Don't worry about it until the very end."

I sighed and grabbed everything that I need. Drew texted me tell me he was on his way. Chris woke up everyone and I picked up Aj and we walked over to BVB's bus and I knocked on the door and Andy smiled and said, "Hey Rose, hey little rock star."

"Uncle Andy why is this happening? Why does grandma and papa want me now and not when I was a baby?" Asked AJ.

I sighed and Andy picked him up and said, "Because they don't know how good your Aunt has been taken care of you. I know that you love your aunt but the court needs to decided things now. One day you'll understand but know this, your aunt loves you more than you realize and so don't all of your uncles and aunts that you have," said Andy.

AJ hugged him and said, "if I was taken from aunt Rose then she would leave me."

Andy hugged him again and said, "I would stop her. Now enough of this talk, go wake up the others okay."

AJ nodded his head and Andy placed him on the floor. AJ ran onto the bus and Andy hugged me and said, "Its going to be okay. We'll fight no matter what. From what CC told me, was that Drew and you found the will and other papers stating why you have AJ and why her parents can't have him. And also CC told me what happened to you. And its not your fault. He'll pay."

I tried not to let my tears show. I hugged him and said, "Thanks Andy."

After about 45 minutes Drew pulled up with a big van to fit all six members of motionless in white, five girls, all five members of black veil brides, plus Ella and Sammy. Me and Aj, and Drew and Holly. Drew hopped out and walked over to me and said, "We're stopping at a fast food place for breakfast so lets get everyone into the van and head out."

We all got into the van and I put AJ by the window and I sat next to him. Chris sat next to me and CC sat in the seat behind us along with the rest of the guys. We pulled out of the location of the tour and headed to get food. Once we got something to eat we headed to the court house. When checked in and I saw Wendy and Randy. AJ's mother's parents. I looked away from them, but they already saw me. They walked over to us and I pick up AJ.

"Rose is that really you?" Asked Wendy.

"Hello," I said.

CC noticed when I said hello and he pulled me closer to him and the guys. Randy noticed this and said, "CC is that you. My goodness I've seen you haven't changed. So how is your band coming along? I haven't heard you guys on the radio yet."

I felt CC's arms tighten around me when he said, "Oh really, I guess my band is on a rock station, Mr. Drake."

"Is that my grandson? Can I hold him please?" Asked Wendy.

She reached for AJ but he had a tight grip onto me and looked at the women and said, "Leave me alone. I don't know you."

Randy went to rise his hand to hit AJ when Chris got in the way and said, "Sir that is no way to treat a child who doesn't know you?"

Drew walked in with our lawyer and when he saw what just happened he looked at the guard in the room and said, "Mick, I want Mr. Drake here arrested for hitting a child in front of other children and parents."

The guard got up and took Randy way. Wendy looked at Drew and said, "Why are you doing this? He didn't hit the boy."

Drew looked at her and said, "If Rose was here by herself without her family, then he would have hit AJ and left a mark on him. I'm not stupid Wendy, I remembered when you came for a visit right after Rose moved in with her brother, you hit her because she didn't respect you or liked how you harmed her sister in law. You were lucky enough that Jason didn't find out when he was in the army, then when he join the police force he had camera's installed into the house and he caught you hitting Rose and her sister in law. Now go were you are supposed to be, now."

Wendy walked away to meet with an older gentlemen. Drew walked over to me and said, "Is AJ alright."

I moved AJ so he was in front of me and took a good look at his face. I sighed when I saw no mark on him and looked at Drew and said, "He's fine. Thank your Chris."

Drew looked over at Chris and said, "Thanks man. I know your not used to kids, but thank you for making sure that AJ and Rose weren't hit."

"No problem Drew. I wouldn't let anyone hurt them. Who is this behind you," Chris asked.

"This is a friend of mine. Rick Jones, this is Rose, the girl I was telling you about. This is her nephew AJ. CC who is a very close friend out ours, and Chris, Rose's boyfriend, and everyone else is in the band with CC and Chris and they have their girlfriends here with them. Everyone this is Rick Jones an old friend of mine. I've known him since I was a kid. And Rose, the social worker that stopped at the house well be on video chat along with Daisy. They couldn't get here because all the plains will filled up, but we do have everything that they wrote down. And also the paper work that we found last night," Said Drew.

A/N: just remember the next few chapters are sad. s

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