Chapter 39

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Rose's POV:

Three weeks have come and gone since the talk with Andy, CC, and Drew.. I knew that I needed to figure things out. I was off in my own head most nights when AJ was asleep. I would walk down to the music room and just started to play the music I used to listen to when I was down or lost. Jason would tell me that music would help when words wouldn't and harming myself wasn't the answer.

Sighing I looked down at the piano and just said, "Ja what do I do now? I wish you were here. I miss you and need you bro. I know I need to be strong for AJ. But sometimes life is hard. When you were here things were a lot better. I miss you."

I random started to play the piano and soon lost track of time. I lost myself into the music I was playing. I felt someone sitting next to me. When I turned to see who I was, I was shocked to find that it was Ash.

"Hey what are you doing down here so late ?" He asked me.

I continued to play and said, "Just trying to think things through and figuring out what I need to do next. I'm just a little lost right now. I've talk with CC, Drew, and Andy about a lot of things, and one of them deals with Chris."

"I know he has been trying to talk to you. So what are you going to do?" Ash asked me.

"Tomorrow I'm going to see if he can meet me at a café. I know he has two of his band mates with him. I'm going to Ask CC and Drew to come with me, maybe even Andy because just in case I need a get away car," I said.

"Why can't I go?" Asked Ash.

I sighed and said, "Juliet will be here with AJ by herself. I need someone here with her and AJ. Juliet is pregnant with Andy's baby. I don't want anything to happen to you. Please Ash. I'm putting my trust in you to take care of AJ and my brother's best-friend's girlfriend soon to be wife."

Ash placed his hands on mine and I looked up at him as he said, "What do you think of me?"

I sighed and said, "Ash, I want to be honest with you about something. I do feel something about you. But what that is, I'm not sure. I know in my heart I don't feel for you like a brother and sister. I feel something more but I need to end things with Chris first and I need to spend some time with AJ before I move in to another relationship. I know how you feel Ash. I found out the other day how you have felt about me since I have moved in with CC with AJ. So Ash are you willing to wait for me even longer?"

I stopped playing and got up and walked into my room and feel asleep for the first time in a long time.

Ash POV:

When Rose left I just sat their and thought everything over. I knew that my secret would get out and someone would have told her. But why did it take this long. Then it dunged on me, when Chris said something about how I was always watching and looking at her, I didn't realized she was outside when he said those words.

Rose. When I first saw her, she was beautiful, while holding a little boy and being a complete mess. She wasn't even 21 at the time when she moved in with CC. Then I met Drew, I was Jealous because I thought he was her boyfriend. Then I found out that he was her brother's partner and bestfriend.

Rose. Right after when she moved in with CC it was a complete hell. He hardly gotten any sleep. He was always up late at night with Rose because of her nightmares or he would be up with AJ. After two months of this, us as a band all decided to step in and help CC with Rose and AJ. After two months of that she finally let us in.

Then the unthinkable happen. Rose met Chris Fucking Motionless. The lead singer of Motionless In White. I just thought they would be friends. Then I saw him kiss her. I was upset. I went and got drunk. I was upset and pissed and angry. I wanted to be in his place.

Court. Rose had to go to court and she was scared of losing AJ. She was scared. I was scared. AJ was my little rebel. I love Rose for taking care of him no matter what she was going though. She always made sure that AJ came first. I was happy when she was given AJ back and if his mother's side ever tries anything again their would be trouble for them.

End of Tour. The end of tour was coming up and Chris was acting strange around everyone. Rose came and talk to CC about it. Each time I tried to listen they would stop. I know it had something to do with Chris and her.

The Rape. The night it broke my heart when I found her. Even to this day it haunts me. I wish I could have gotten their sooner. But the cops think they know who could have done it.

Glancing at the clock it was getting late but I knew I would be able to sleep tonight. Thinking back to the first years that Rose used go on Tours with us. She used to hand us things like water bottles, towels and what not. Rose would be so nervous around me. I would smile at her but each time before I could kiss her cheek, CC or Andy would tell that AJ needed her or something need to be done or they needed help to get the fans in line for the meet and greet.

All those memories came floating back to me and I just need to wait a little more. I knew now that she feels the same fore me. I just hope that Chris doesn't convince her to go back to him.

A/N:  Hi everyone how have you all been? Sorry for not updating in a long time. I've been dealing with a lot of crap with family and my own demons. I'm still fighting but I'm getting better or at least I think I am. Sorry for not updating. I'll try and update again soon. No sure when because I need to write a few chapters ahead before I do update. Anyways what do you guys think of  this chapter? would love to hear from you all. 

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