Chapter 41

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A/N: Hey everyone sorry for the long wait. I promise that I am working on this story. It's just been hard with a writer's block. But I'll try and update as soon as I can. Anyways here is the next chapter. As always thank you for reading and what not. 


Chapter 41

Rose's POV

"How did the rape happen?" He asked me.

When he said those words, I felt myself deflate and wanting to get away from this conversation. I sighed and I had to pick my words carefully.

"Not by choice and I wasn't out with anyone. I was home alone when it happened. They knocked me out. The rest I found out by the reports. But I take that you don't or want to believe what I'm telling you. I understand when or if you want to leave right now."

"Leave me? So, you can run into Ashley's awaiting arms. Fine go-" he started to say.

I got mad and said, "That's not it. I don't want to do that. If you deiced that I'm not worth anything, then fine. I'll leave you alone as long as you can behave around the bvb guys. They have nothing to do with this or with me."

He sighed and said, "What if I still want you?"

"You don't. If you did you wouldn't be judging me. But I undusted that I failed. So please I want to end this. I loved you. I still do but not in the same way as I once did. I'm not going to be with anyone any time soon. Not even Ashley. I know you're thinking I'll run into his arms after this night. But no. I already talked with him. I'm not going to be with anyone right now."

"Sure, you're not. I've seen the looks he's been giving you though out the tour when we were together. Did you know he warned me that he would kill me if I hurt you in anyway. He also told me that he was in love with her and he was going to ask you out." He said.

I was shocked that he would say or even bring up Ashley this way. I sighed and said looked at him and said, "Look Chris eirther you believe me or not its up to you, But I'm telling you the truth about what happened. If I left anything out then I'm sorry."

He was pissed. I could see it. But I had to move on. How could I believe that he would still want me after I was raped. I was damged and only someone has damged as me would understand what was going on in my head. Ashley knew what was wrong. He always knew, but I never took him seriously enough. Chris I was starting to trust until the rape.

Chris got up and said, "You're fired. And I don't want to see you again. I don't know if what you're saying is real or not, but I hope one day you can tell me the truth. I don't know if I can trust someone like you to run my merch table. I'll post that we broke up and it was agreed between us that we didn't work out. I'm sorry."

He walked away and I let the tears fall and Drew hugged me. He knew me better than my self. I felt him leave and CC hugged me. I didn't care, I was numb. I just wanted to go numb.

"Come on, let's get you back home to AJ." Said Andy.

CC and Andy helped me out to the car where Drew was waiting for me. I got into the back with Andy and CC and curled up and cried my eyes out until passed out.

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