Chapter 11

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A/N: hey everyone how was your day? Mine was pretty good, but I just found out so news, I'll be helping out my step brother and his family for about two weeks, so I won't be able to update until sometime after the 9th of August. Yet I am hoping that I can get time to update before then. Anywho on with the story :D




Chris POV

I was going to murder Ash when I see him. I looked down at Rose and noticed that she was smiling. Her smile was so big and beautiful. I really wanted to lean in and kiss her but we were just getting to know each other. But tomorrow we would be packing our things and heading to the venue for warp.

Tomorrow, was a packing day and the also the guy's girlfriends wanted to come along and get to know Rose or just to lay down some rules of their own or try to scare the poor girl.

Rose let go of me and said, "I just wanted to let you know that I do like you. I may not be following you and your band all the time but I did listen to to your guys music and just watched the music videos."

"Rose that's good. And I am glade that your honest with me. So I think its time we get some sleep." I told her.

She looked up at the sky and nodded her head. I got up and held out my hand for her to take. Which she did of course but when she started to walk in the house I noticed that she stopped and looked at me and said, "Please don't kill Ash because he is after all my brother."

Rose shocked me when she said that. I knew that her and CC were close but I wasn't sure about the other guys. When I looked at her again I noticed that she was already inside taking her medicine that CC left out for her to take.

I walked into the music room which was in CC's house and started to play my guitar and soon I came up with some cords that sounded good. I don't know how long I've been playing with those cords because CC and Andy walked into the room and sat down.

"Chris we need to talk to you about Rose," said CC while sitting down at him drums.

I looked up at them as I stopped what I was doing and said, "What about?"

"About Aj's grandmother." Said Andy.

I looked up and said, "Yeah Drew called and talked with Rose and he told her that AJ's grandmother is asking questions and is trying to get papers together to take Rose to court to get Aj away from her."

CC looked at us and said, "If she loses Aj she'll spiral down hill and I don't know if she'll come back this time."

Then Andy looked at me and said, " Chris do you know why that CC has to put you medication out when she needs to take them?"

Thinking back to when Rose would pick up her meds off from the counter and take them and CC or one of the other members of black veils brides watching her. I never really thought about it before now.

"I was wondering about that." I said to them.

CC looked at Andy and put his drum sticks down and got up and walked over to the wall. He just stood there and said, "After her mom died she tried to over dose on her meds and then I caught her trying to do it again when Jason had died. She can't handle herself. I know that she was feeling pain and she was trying to fine a away to get rid of the pain and she was going about it all the wrong ways. That's why I give her the meds to take, and I would really like it if you could do the same and keep it someplace that is under lock and key."

Now I was worried that she could do something on tour and I didn't want her to. Yet I knew there were reasons why behind those reasons. Now she has something to live for and that was her nephew that she has been raising as her own son.

"I understand, but I told her that we would help her keep AJ even if that means that she has to go to court." I said to them.

CC looked at me and said, "Thank you Chris and I noticed that you like Rose, just don't break her heart no matter what," Said CC.

"I promise that I wont hurt her because I can tell that she is starting to heal and move on from her past," I told him.




A/N: Well that's the chapter, thanks for reading, commenting and voting for this story, Until next time Have a good night.

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