Chapter 42

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A/N: Well, here is another chapter to this story. I have to admit that I am getting a little writers block, but don't fear I have ideas now that I've thinking about putting into this story. So, updates might be slow for this story. A big thank you to those of you who have been reading this story from the start. Now on with the chapter. 


Chapter 42

Rose's POV

Three weeks went by since that night. The guys had to finish tour and Drew stayed with me and AJ. It was nice that it was only the three of us. Drew shielded AJ from see me broken. I haven't talked with CC or the guys in the last three weeks. I wasn't up for it.

Today was the first day of AJ going to school. Drew made sure I was up and ready to get him to school. I was happy AJ wanted to go to school but I told him if he ever wanted to be home schooled that we would make that happen.

AJ was a little sad about the breakup between me and Chris. Yet Chris and the guys would talk with him. I made sure I was out of sight when they would talk. AJ was told to never talk about me to Chris and never tell me what he and Chris talked about. He agreed, but when AJ found out that Chris was seeing someone else, he was upset. AJ told me and my heart broke even more.

Walking out of my room AJ was already for school and he was talking to Chris.

"Chris why did you breakup with my auntie?" Asked AJ.

I heard Chris sigh and he said, "I still love her buddy but right now we had to let one another go. Maybe one day we'll get back together but right now its not going to happen. I love her so much and I know she loves me. We just need some space and see other people."

"I just miss you so much Chris. Yeah, it's fun with uncle CC and the guys and Uncle Drew but Auntie Rose is sad. Really sad. Uncle Drew has to get her out of bed and feed her and me. She told her pillows tight, and I'm scared I'm going to lose her. I know I'm not supposed to tell you about her, but Uncle CC isn't here, and I don't know what to do." AJ said with a said voice.

Chris was quiet for a long time until he said, "Why don't you tell Uncle CC what's going on. He and Andy can help her."

"I will," AJ said.

That was when I walked into the room and without looking at the screen on the phone I said, "AJ the bus will be here any minute and your friend might be busy so please say goodbye."

Aj looked up at me and said, "Okay," he then looked back at Chris and said, "Bye Chris talk with you later."

Chris said goodbye to AJ and they both hung up. I knew he would be missing Chris and the guys, but I didn't realize it was going to be this bad. I sighed because it's been three weeks since we talked, and he accused of me and Ash being together. Ash was a good friend, and I knew he wanted more from me and right now I just couldn't give Ash that. I sighed and was thinking maybe I should move out of CC's house. I don't need to cause problems with everyone. It might be better so this way I'm not in the way.

Juliet walked into the room and looked at me and said, "Rose, are you okay?"

I looked at her and knew if I told her she would tell Andy and I didn't need that. I didn't need Andy to know what was going on with me right now. Sighing I said, "I'm just thinking. Hey Juliet, I'm going for a walk once AJ is on the bus okay."

She nodded her head and went back to the kitchen. AJ was waiting by the door. I looked at him and said, "Hey buddy what would you say if we get our own place?"

He looked at me and said, "You mean leave Uncle CC, Andy, Ash, Jake, and Jinxx and live all alone. It wouldn't be any fun. I like it here. Its safe."

I knew he would say that. With that being said I smiled down at him and said, "if that is what you want then that will be fine. Listen when you get on the bus, I'm going to meet up with someone and when CC comes back, he might be made but it's for the best. I just need you to be a big boy okay."

"Okay." AJ said.

The bus soon came, and AJ got on and with that I went off to find a family lawyer. I needed Drew's help and lucky for me Drew was still in the city.

Andy's POV

I was hanging out with the guys, and we were trying to keep Ashley and Chris away from one another ever since the meet up. It was stupid for two grown guys fighting over a broken girl who said that she didn't want anyone right now because of what happened to her. CC was pissed at both of them, so he stayed away even though he was the one who told Ashley from the very beginning to stay away from Rose. My phone ringed and it was Juliet. It was her turn to keep and eye on Rose and AJ. Juliet was very smart on how to follow Rose without getting caught and listening into conversations.

"Hey babe what's up?" I said while sitting in my bunk.

"Andy, we have a problem. Before you ask to let me tell you. Rose was talking to AJ about getting their own place. AJ said that he didn't want to. Rose acted weird and she said that she understood. After AJ got onto the bus Rose left the house and met up with Drew. They were arguing while standing outside of a lawyer building. I read the info of the building online and a few of them stood out. Family, Last will and testament. Then I followed them to an apartment building and followed them to the floor. When they were done talking to the land lady, I asked her, and she said the young lady has no kids. Andy, I think something is really wrong. I think Rose is planning on leaving once everyone gets back from tour. I think you need to let CC know at once." Said Juliet.

I drew in a deep breath and thanked her. I walked out of my bunk and realized that we were at our next stop. I got off the bus and lit a smoke. CC walked off next to me and said, "Andy what's wrong?"

I didn't know how to answer him. How do I tell him that his best friend might leave him with her nephew and disappear out of our lives. I knew I needed to tell him. I looked him in the eyes and said, "Rose might disappear from our lives again like she did when she first came to us."

CC looked at me and said, "No. She promised me she wouldn't. She swore that she wouldn't leave me or AJ. Why would she do this?"

"CC clam down it hasn't happened yet. You and I both know that she's broken. When she was raped, it didn't help that Chris didn't answer our calls. It doesn't help that she's been abused before and we've, you and I put that girl back together for the sake of AJ. Chris needs to make up his mind. If he truly doesn't want nothing to do with her then he needs to stop acting like he was cheated on. Rose and Ash have done nothing wrong. Hell, even Ash helped us put her back together. I don't want Rose to disappear again. She's a sister to me." I spoke.

Just then Ghost walked over and said, "Whose disappearing?"

CC looked at me and said, "With everything happening this year. Rose is stressing and overthinking things to the point she'll run, and we won't be able to find her. Last time Drew had to pull a favor from the FBI just to find her. We found her. But she was a mess."

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