Chapter 30

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Rose's POV

Three months went by and we were back at CC's place. AJ was upset because motionless headed to PA to see their families and I wanted to go back and hang out with CC for a while. Things with Chris and I have been strange the last few months. We haven't had sex or anything like that. Yet things have been really different. He's been acting differently towards me.

"Aunty are you okay?" Asked AJ.

I sighed and looked over at him and said, "I'll be fine. Lets make dinner for CC and Daisy."

AJ smiled and got up and we walked out of my room and into the kitchen. I looked in the frig and said, "How about some homemade pizza and some garlic bread. How does that sound?"

"Can I help you make it?" Asked AJ.

I nodded my head and I pulled out what we needed. We both washed our hands and soon we started to make the doe. AJ opened the jar of sauce and put them on the does. Then we shredded up the cheese and place that on top of the sauce.

"Can we have one that's just cheese for me please?" Asked AJ.

I nodded my head and we finished making the pizzas. Then we were working on the garlic bread when someone knocked on the door. I looked at AJ and said, "Stay here okay."

He nodded his head as I wiped my hands off and walked to the door. When I opened the door it was only Andy and Juliet. I let them in and led them into the kitchen.

"Something smells good?" Said Andy.

"Yep. We're making pizza and garlic bread, I was thinking about frying up some wings and let them soak into three different bbq sauces. Do you guys want to stay for dinner? We have a ton of pizza doe left over that AJ wants to make more," I told them.

Juliet smiled and said, "We would love to, so where's CC?"

"With Aunty Daisy. He called saying they were coming over so Daisy could visit me and aunty mommy here," said AJ.

Andy and Juliet started to make their pizzas and soon the rest of bvb was here along with their girls. Everyone was making random pizzas while I was working on the wings and garlic bread. When everything was done we set every thing onto the table. CC walked in with Daisy and smiled at the food. We sat around the table and talked for while.

"Hey guys Juliet and I would like to tell you all something," Said Andy.

"I'm pregnant and also Andy asked me to marry him," said Juliet.

We were all shocked at the news, then AJ looks up and said, "Where do babies come from."

That was one thing that I wanted to avoid. I didn't want to tell him, but I knew I had to. I sighed and looked at AJ as Andy and Juliet sat down.

"AJ babies come from people who love each other, like for example, Andy and Juliet. The baby is in the mommies belly for about 9 months or so. Not to be mean, but before the baby is comes out, the mommies belly will get a little bigger. Once that happens the baby will be born," I told him.

"So is the baby a girl or a boy?" Asked AJ.

"Well the mommies and daddys wont know until after the fifth month or so. Your mother didn't know that you were a boy until the fifth month. I wanted a niece and your daddy wanted a boy. Your mommy didn't care as long as you were health. When we found out that you were a boy I had to take back the little dress I brought. Then I went and got a little rocker outfit and your daddy was mad because it said, Aunties little rocker," I told him.

"Really?" Said AJ.

CC looked up and said, "I remember that. It was funny. The next day your dad went out and got an outfit that said, Daddy little football player. It was funny to watch your aunt and dad argue over what they wanted you to do. Your mother stood up and said that you were going to be a painter just like her. Which was funny."

AJ laughed, he got up and walked over to Juliet and Andy. He got on to Andy's lap and looked at Juliet and said, "Juliet is it okay now that your marrying uncle Andy that I can call you Aunty?"

Juliet smiled and said, "Of course you can little man. I've seen you grow into a big boy since Andy and I got together. I'll tell you what, when this baby comes, you can help with it when I come over okay. But remember a baby is a lot of work. They are also so small that it will be a while before you can play with it okay."

"I understand. Uncle Andy can I still come and stay with you guys?" Asked AJ.

I knew he was taking this really hard because of the fact that he was used to having everyone paying attention and now that Andy was having a little, the attention would be on the new baby. Andy looked at me and knew what I was already thinking.

"Well I guess you can stay the night, but you need to talk it over with Auntie Juliet and your Aunt," Andy said.

AJ looked over at Juliet and said, "Please, I'll be good and quiet, and I promise I wont wake you at 9am."

Everyone laughed because we taught him to wake everyone up at 10 unless they had to be at the studio earlier than noon. Juliet looked over at me and I said, "Its up to you, and you and Andy will need all the practice that you can get."

Juliet looked down and said, "Okay you can stay the night with us. So is their any rules I should know of."

I got up and walked over to the house phone to the pad of paper and pens. I wrote the rules down and the things that he can and can't have and watch as well. I knew Andy knew this, but I thought that Juliet should know as well.

I handed her the paper and said, "There are some words we don't say around him thanks to Ashley."

Juliet laughed and read the paper over and said, "doesn't seem to bad."

I looked at her and said, "If you need anything at all or if he swears just give him a warning. After two warnings take a chair and place it in the corner for five minutes and walked over asked him if he knew what he said was wrong. If you need me, I'll come over. But normally he's pretty good for Andy."


A/N: Hey everyone thanks for reading. I'm trying to update once a week. I am also working on some random things that are coming together. So I'll update again soon. Thanks for reading and commet if you want.

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