Chapter 28

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A/N: Well here is the next chapter.  Thank you for reading.


Rose's POV

That night both BVB and MIW rocked it out on stage. Drew took AJ back stage to watch all of his uncles preform while I was working merch until on of the guards walked over and told me they would take over because Chris and Andy wanted me up on stage.

I was shocked because BVB was still on and then MIW were going to be on, but I got up and walked to the backstage and showed the guard my pass and walked on. Chris walked over to me and hugged me and kissed me as we walked over to the side of the back stage. When Andy noticed I was their he smiled.

"How are you all mofos doing tonight? Well sorry that we are up here late tonight," Andy said to the crowed of people who cheered.

"Anyways, me, Cc, Jinxx, Jake, Ash, Chris motionless, Ricky, Ghost, Angelo, Balz, and Ryan have something to say. But before we all do can Rose, her handsome nephew AJ and Drew and his beautiful girlfriend come out here and sit down and face us and you guys as well," Asked Andy.

We walked out and AJ had a big smile on his face when a tec guy handed us a mic. We sat down so that the fans could see us and we could see the guys.

"Now as you all know. Rose has been a long time friend/sister to us guys, but she's been a friend/sister longer to CC. These past two days have been hard on these guys because they went to visit officer turner and his wife's grave and also today they had to go to court to maintain custody of AJ. I would like to say something to Rose, I know that we haven't really talked but I've been their from the time Officer turner has died and helped you and CC out with AJ and each other. I want to let you know Rose that you are not alone. We all love you, but fuck the haters because they are not our fans. But you have done so well rising your nephew who we all love. So us guys, both BVB and MIW got together and got you and AJ something. As you can tell we're all wearing them. We each have bracelets with all of our names on them," Andy said.

CC got off from the drum seat and walked over and helped me up and handed me a box. I opened it and froze at what it was. It was a leather bracelet that I've drawn out over the years with everyone's names on it. I noticed that the guys were wearing one and that their names stood out on the ones they wear.

"What? How?" I spoke.

Then AJ walked over to me and said, "Aunt RO you have been the best aunt in the world. I am happy to have you. I know I remind you a lot of daddy and to you uncle CC. But me and my uncles got you both something else."

AJ walked over and pulled a bag out on stage and said, "Uncle Drew you get up as well,"

Drew got up and AJ pulled out a Jacket with tons of picture on it. He looked up and said, "I know I am too young but All of my uncles from BVB and MIW helped me with it. Aunt Ro I know your birthday is tomorrow, so you get this early. Its all of the pictures of you, Daddy, Uncle CC, and Uncle Drew together with mommy. I know-"

I dropped the Jacket and picked up AJ and said, "DOn't baby. I love you so much. If you weren't sick, we would both be in dead. I wish that your mommy and daddy were alive because then you could have known them. I know I am not the best aunt in the world but I am try-"

"Aunt I want you to have a life and give me cousins-" AJ yelled.

We were cut off when Chris walked out and said, "Don't rush things little man. Rose, DRew, AJ, Holly I am glad to know you all though CC. Andy and the guys told me that you guys have been though a lot. I went out early yesterday and I found something that AJ would like. Rose I hope your okay with this, Drew and CC had to help me. AJ I know that you didn't know your daddy but I got your daddies badge that they kept. I am giving this to you because Drew-"

Drew smiled and said, "AJ come here."

AJ jumped down walked over to Drew and said, "AJ your older now. Do you swear to protect your aunt for all of these guys and make sure she finds someone in this life?"

"Yes" said AJ.

"DO you promise to call me if something is Wrong?" asked Drew.

"YES." said AJ.

"Then you can have your daddies badge," Drew said.

Everyone cheered and clapped.

Chris and the guys looked out into the crowed and Chris said, " TO all you haters who are hating on Rose, back the fuck off before I hunt you all down. We love her. She didn't make up a story and we're here to do a Q and A for the remainder of the show. How we're going to do this is that you all rise your hand and asking a question."

Then the roadies brought out chairs for us and we all sat down. Their were more guards and CC said, "To make it eaiser for you all to ask questions please form a lines and rise your hand. Those of you who wish to leave may."

10 minutes later their were lines and 8 guards had mics and were walking around the crowds.

"Who is ready to go first?" Asked Ash.

Someone raised their hand a guard walked over to them and handed them a mic.

"This question is for CC. How long have you know Rose? I mean no disrespect but their have been rumors that she was the cause of you and Nia to break up, is that true?" Asked a kid dressed in Andy's warpaint with a ripped AA shirt.

CC sighed and said, "I meet Jason when I was in 5th grade and that was the same time I met Rose. As for your other question, Rose wasn't the cause of Nia and I to break up. Nia was starting to be a little controlling because when Rose and AJ moved in with me, I wouldn't leave Rose home a lone with AJ for very long. Nia got sick and tried that I wouldn't take her out on dates or do something fun. I tried to explain to her I just lost my best friend who was a brother to me. At the time Rose wasn't doing so great, she locked herself in her room and wouldn't look at AJ for weeks. But I managed to get her out and she started to realized everything."

Then another question was asked, "This one is for Rose, why did you move in with CC?"

I froze and looked over at CC. He sighed and looked out at the fans and said, "Rose can't answer that question because their is a lot to it. But lets just say that Rose had a relapsed with some things that some of you are probably dealing with."

"This is for Andy and the rest of the guys. What did you all think when you first met Rose and AJ?" Asked again fan.

"We've all met Rose before her brother's death. But we all liked her. As for AJ, he is just another brother to us. We look out for him and we keep an eye on Rose," said Andy.

"What Andy said is true. Yet we all love Rose and AJ. It just hurts to know all the crap she has been though. She lost her parents had to move with her brother and the lost him and move in with CC. That is a lot for one person to handle," said Jake.

"I have to say that when I first met Rose she was hot. I tried to get her to go out with me, but she wouldn't have it. Over time I just realized that it would be better just to remain a close friend and if Chris ever breaks her heart, he's a dead man and motionless in white will have to find another singer," said Ash.

Jinxx sighed and said, "Like all the guys said, Rose is a sister to us. Hell she even help us when we get into disagreements with our girlfriends and AJ likes to open our doors when they are over thanks to Ash for saying some words that a child shouldn't hear."

Everyone laughed. We were all asked questions and it was going pretty good. AJ walked around the stage when this girl in the front raised her hand and said, "AJ do you like traveling with the band? And how do you like the fact that your Aunt is with Chris?"

AJ ran up to the edge of the stage and sat down and took his mic and said, "I love my aunt and I was the one who forced her to take up the job along with uncle CC. But I am happy my aunt is with Chris. Angelo, CC and I had a plan if Chris didn't get enough b-"

"AJ" I warned.

"Sorry aunt, but Ashley said that word, but if Chris didn't man up to ask my aunt out. We would have set them up ourselves," AJ said.

"Well that's all for tonight everyone. We're heading off for meet and greets and then we are going to get some sleep." All the guys yelled.

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