Chapter 34

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Rose's Pov

The next day I was released from the hospital. CC and Ash haven't left my side one bit. Andy brought me some clothes for me to change into. I was thankful that he and Juliet were willingly taking care of AJ and soon helping me. CC didn't want me back at his place because of the break in. He called Drew when he walked out of the room last night. I guess Drew is flying out here for awhile.

I haven't heard anything from Chris yet.  CC and Ash told me that some of motionless fans were at the house when I was being brought to the hospital. Yet none of the guys heard from them yet. Did I even love Chris? Yes I did. Did I know how Chris worked? Yes. I knew that Chris didn't want kids, and that his only kids were his songs and his fans.

Last night when I woke up and found out what happened to me I knew what I want, but right I need to get over the trauma of what happened because every single noise made me jump. Each time a nurse or doctor came to see me, I would jump or scream. The nightmares started up again. CC woke up and he swore twice. He knew what was bound to happen. He's seen it all before, him and my brother both have.

"Rose," CC said, real loud letting me know that he was there without scaring me.

I glanced at the mirror and saw the broken girl that I was when I moved in with my brother years ago. The girl I never wanted to see again. My face was bruised, my lips were fine, but the bottom on the left was cut, my arms that were covered by the hoodie I had on, held cuts and stitches, my legs were covered in sweats, held dried blood, with cuts and stitches. My hair looked like crap. What little make up I had on made me look like I just got done being on a corner or something.

"Yes," I managed to say when I glanced away from the mirror to look out the window.

"Rose this wasn't your fault. You're not to blame. I left you alone. I thought it was safe, but I guess I was wrong. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have left you alone. I had a feeling that something would happen to you," CC told me.

I looked over at him and said, "its not your fault. We couldn't have known that someone was after me. We both know that I am the one who is at fault. I am just thankful that AJ wasn't in the house. CC it doesn't matter what happens to me. I have come to turns with my fate long ago. When he died I knew it would be a matter of time before someone else would come after me."

"Rose why are you saying this," CC asked.

"Because CC, I know that you love me as a sister. Drew loves me as a sister. This is the seconded time I was almost raped. Chris is going to leave me when he finds out, and then I'll be alone. No one wants me. I'm fine with that. I realized when the doctors told me what happened last that I realized that I wanted a child, and now I know that wont happen since no one will love me the way I wish them to," I said.

I hadn't realized that I was crying until I felt CC hugging me and pulling me to him. I cried into his  chest and said, "Why again? Why did it have to happen again?"

CC didn't speak. I knew that the funny, carefree CC was taken over by the worried and protective CC. He knew how I was feeling. He had seen me go from the good road, to the dark path and now fighting to control where I am today. I was crying and all my tears were pouring onto CC's shirt ruining it. Someone knocked on the door. I didn't dare look to see who it was.

"CC I finished filling out the papers for her. She can leave. Juliet has taken AJ out to help her pick something out for dinner tonight since Drew will be staying with as well as you and Ash. Is she is okay?" Andy's voice asked full on concern for me.

"No she's not Andy. Its all too much for her right now. I guess we  better get her out of here before that stupid doctor decides to keep her again,"  said CC.

CC picked up my blanket that Andy had brought in this morning and wrapped it around me. The blanket belonged to my brother. I always brought it with me when I ended up in hospitals. Once my face and Body was covered to CC's standers, he picked me up while Andy grabbed my things and off we went out to the car and then we went to Andy's house.




A/N: Hey everyone, I updated again :D. Anyways let me know what you all think. DP2010

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