Chapter 8

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A/N: Well here is the next chapter. 


Rose's POV

There were twelve of us plus my nephew, so I took, my car with Chris, and CC. Andy took his along with Ash and Ricky and Angelo, Jinx x got into his car with Ghost, Blaz and Ryan. We all drove to the mall so that we all could go shopping and just have fun.

When we reached the mall we all parked our cars. I got out and I was about to open AJ's door to get him out of his car-seat but CC already had him out and heading to the entrance of the mall. I locked my car and started walk up to CC and the others until I felt someone grab my hand and pulled me to a stop. Turning my head and saw Chris.

"Hey I'm going to say I'm sorry for all the hate and the crazy fans. I just wanted to say sorry for everything right now before things get out of hand. So please don't worry about what the fans may say about you because none of that is true." Said Chris.

I looked at him and said, "Don't worry about it. If I start feeling worried or upset or whatnot I'll come and talk to you and CC about it. Besides, I'm the one who likes to write band fanfics and CC gets a kick out of some of them."

Chris looked at me strangely and I just walked over to CC and yelled, "Hot topic first, Spencers seconded, and every other store after that."

We all ran into the mall and went to hot-topic. CC had AJ on his back as we all ran. Walking around hot-topic I was looking around at the t-shirst and the jewelry and looked at random things.

"Rose come over her for a minute." Called Jake.

I walked over and saw what he was looking at. He looked at me and said, "isn't this from one of your anime that you like to watch over and over again. That vampire show."

"Yep. That's Kaname Kuran from vampire knight. I already have Zero, so now all I have to look for is Yuki plush doll. Thanks Jake for pointing this out to me." I said to him.

Jake smiled and nodded his head and walked around the store more. I started to look at some more of the clothes, when I looked around I noticed at most of the guys left and that AJ was hanging with CC and the motionless guys. I just smiled and started to look over at something when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Yes." I said because I just knew it was Chris.

"Well are you ready to get suitcases so that we can get back home and start packing?" asked Chris.

I nodded my head and we went to the check out line. As we exited hot-topic we were surrounded by fans of both bvb and motionless. I looked over at CC and started to panic because I didn't see AJ. I was looking around when I saw that AJ was on Andy's back, I let out a breath.

"Chris, can you sign my shirt." Asked a girl.

Of course all of the guys were kind and started to sign random things. I slowly made my way over to Andy. And saw that AJ was smiling so I backed away from the group and headed over to one of the coffee shops. I waited in line. When I was in front of the person taking orders, I told the lady that I wanted a hot chocolate. I paid for it and walked over to a table and sat down. I glanced out the window and saw that they crowed was getting bigger.

"Hey aren't you Chris's motionless's new merch girl?" Asked a group of girls.

"Yep. I'm just sitting here watching the guys." I said to them as I turned my head to face them. 

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