Chapter 29

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Rose's POV

That night I put AJ to sleep and walked into the back room. I got out of my clothes and put on a tee shirt and sweat pants and laid on the bed. I couldn't believe how hard that was but I was happy that Thomas couldn't speak anything at the court hearing.

The door opened and closed and Chris laid down next to me on the bed. I knew most of the guys were out partying tonight. Yet Chris didn't go again and from what people told me is that Chris is straight edge. I sighed and thought about everything.

"Rose are you going to be okay?"

I looked over at him and sighed and said, "I am. More than happy and Chris thank you for everything. I know its hard having a child on tour with us and I'm sorry if AJ-"

"AJ is a really good boy. He knows what do to and he's bright for his age. So when do his online classes start?" Chris asked me.

"A week before which ever tour is coming up," I told him.

With everything that happened I zoned out the days and weeks and I wasn't sure what week it was or the day. The court case has been driving me crazy and all I want to do is sleep and not think about anything.

Chris pulled me to him and kiss me on the lips and I deepen the kiss and soon I felt his lips touch my neck and I moaned as his lip rings touch my sweet spot. Chris bit down on my neck and when he pulled away I kissed him.

"Rose I love you so much," Chris told me.

I looked up at him and said, "I love you to."

Chris got off from me and went to change and then he climbed back in bed and pulled me closer to him and pulled the blanket over us.

"Rose there is something that I want to do with you and what that is sex, but only when your ready. I just want to talk about it?" Said Chris and he started to blush at that.

I sighed and said, "I want to have sex with you but not on a tour bus. Maybe when we get to a hotel or when we get back to either CC's place in my room or at your place. Now if you want to know what sex means to me, it means giving myself to someone who I love and want to be with, yet if I were to have sex with a random person it would be meaningless. I want sex to matter. If you want to know if I'm scared of having sex with someone, I do. I'm scared that if I have sex with someone that, that person will leave me the next day because all they wanted then I would feel used."

I looked up at Chris and he said, "I will never do that. I would never have sex with you and break up with you the next day. I'm not like that. I love you Rose and when we so get a hotel room we can have sex then only if you feel ready to do it."

I smiled and said, "Thank you for understanding Chris. "

The door to the back room and AJ came walking in. He got up on the bed and said, "Rorow I had a bad dream that I couldn't see you anymore. Can I sleep in here with you and Uncle Chris."

I sighed and looked up at Chris and he pulled back the blankets and said, "Come one little one. I'll protect you from the monsters of the night."

When AJ got in between us and he was back asleep. I sighed and looked up at Chris and said, "Sorry about him. I guess today was too much for him."

Chris leaned over and kissed me and said, "It happens. I glade we weren't you know."

I laughed and said, "You mean sleep together. And yes AJ knows the differences between a boy and a girl thanks to one of the kids at the daycare CC's crush works at."

"Really, were they playing I'll show you mine if you show me yours?" Asked Chris.

"Yeah, but lets just say that the girls parents were very open about that sort of thing," I told Chris.

He looked at me strange and I sighed and said, "The girls parents used to live in a camp where everyone has to be naked at all times."

"What fudge. Are you saying what I think you are talking about?" Asked Chris.

"Yeah, The thing is that they are always their on the weekends. I told Daisy, CC's crush, to keep AJ away from her. I didn't want to explain the birds and the bees to him just yet," I told him.

"SO you have your hands full when Ash is around right?" Asked Chris.

"Yeah but the thing is that I warned Ash. But he's gotten better, but once in a while he slips up," I told Chris.

He laughed. Soon we settled down and I know that I feel asleep. It was a peaceful sleep.


A/N: Sorry if some or all the characters are occ, Its been a while since I have updated because I haven't been myself in a while. I'm doing better now, so I am hoping to update more. So please keep a look up.

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