Chapter Five

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A/N: Well how is everyone doing today? Well nothing new with me. Any who thanks to those of you who are reading this story. :D


Rose POV

I felt numb as tears started to fall as CC grabbed my hand and pulled me up stairs to my room. Once I was inside I looked at CC and said, "Why? Why can't that person be dead. Drew promised that he would be in prison for the rest of his life."

CC held me as I started to fall. I couldn't think. The one thing that I wanted to do right now is to be alone. I knew that wouldn't happen because of the fact that all of bvb would be checking up on me.

"Rose, Andy is calling Drew and he'll get what we need to know. And I believe its best that you take that job offer that I told you about. Chris wont let anything happen to anyone who is on tour with them. Plus we're also on tour as well. So lets just go back down and talk with Chris. And Just have fun."

I looked at CC and said, "Okay, but I'm going to fix my make-up and I'll be right down."

CC nodded his head and got up and walked out of my room. I walked over to my mirror and started to fix my make-up. I just wiped all of it off and started over. While applying eye-shadow I heard a knock at the door.

"Its safe to come in." I called.

I heard the door open up I didn't realize anyone came in until I felt two arms wrapped around my legs. Stopping what I was doing, I look down and saw AJ had his arms around me. Yet he had make-up on his face and fake blood dripping at the corner of his mouth. His bright blue eyes who scary looking with the black eyeliner around his eyes along with the black eye-shadow.

"Mommy do I look scary like Chris does?" Asked Aj.

I smiled and said, "yes you do. But who brought you up here? And who did your make-up?"

"I did." Called a voice.

I looked behind and saw Chris there. He was just chilling in the door way. Glancing down at AJ and I went back to putting my make-up on. When I was done I turned to Chris and said, "I'm sorry about what happened down stairs. Its just been hard on me these past few years. And that fact that people think that AJ is my son, but he's not. I can understand if you don't want to higher me as your merch girl."

AJ pulled on my clothes and said, "Row is it wrong that I call you mommy though your not my mommy?"

I bent down and looked at AJ and said, "It doesn't matter if you call me mommy or aunt. The reason why is because I am both to you. Now why don't you go and find uncle CC and tell him he better have some food ready because I'm hungry as heck."

"But Row I don't wanna. Can't I fucking stay here with you and Chris?" Asked AJ.

"AJ what did I tell you about cussing?" I asked him.

"I'm allowed to cuss if I am singing a long to music but I'm not allowed to cuss at people or use those words." Said AJ.

"Now just for that no games of any kind for one day starting now." I told him.

AJ got up and said, "I'm going to uncle CC and see if the food is ready and I'm sorry for cussing and mister cool make-up guy I'm sorry for cussing in front of you."

I looked over at Chris and saw that he was shocked because of the fact that he isn't used to seeing or being around a small child like AJ would loves all types of music, also that AJ didn't scream bloody murder when CC introduce us to Chris.

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