Chapter 35

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Rose's POV

That night I lay curled up in the guess bedroom with AJ. Cc  was sound asleep on the floor and Ash was on the small couch asleep as well. I was the only one wide awake. I slowly got up and pulled one of the blankets around me and slowly walked out of the room and down to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and just sat there.

It was much cooler in the kitchen than it was in the room. I knew this was going to happen sooner or later. James was planning something. I just couldn't think what it could be until it was too late, he knew I was care free when I was alone. I sighed and just looked at the floor.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Said Andy as he came into view.

I jumped and looked up into his eyes blue eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. I watched as he got a glass of water and sat down across from me. He waited for me to say something and when I finally let out a breath I said, "I'm scared Andy."

"I know Rose. Everyone in the Band is worried about you. When Ash called and told me what happen to you, when he did, he was scared. He didn't sound like himself. I know he's a player Rose, but I know he cares for you. I know its not the right time to tell you this, but I think you can trust him more around you and AJ. Right now you need to trust all of us more than you already do. We are not letting you out alone anymore," said Andy.

I sighed and looked down and I felt tears go down my face. I knew that he was right about everything. I glanced at Andy and said, "Does he know anything that has happened?"

Andy sighed and said, "No. He hasn't called one of us or anything. He hasn't texted you at all. I texted one of his band members and it seems that he has thrown himself into his music. I told who ever it was I messaged that you won't be able to be their merch girl, but ours next tour, but our merch girl will be filling in for you. I think it was Ricky, he asked why and I said that something came up."

I knew this was for the best and also knew it was only a matter of time before I would have to tell him the truth. I sighed and just pushed that thought to the side. I noticed that Andy was watching me and I knew why. CC has told them what happened last time I was raped when I was drunk.

"Andy promise me if I end up the way CC told you, please don't let AJ ever see me that way. Please. I can't risk him ever seeing me like that. It would crush him," I finally said.

Andy got up and walked over to me and hugged me. The old memories came rushing back, but I pushed them away. I cried and he just held me close and said nothing. He knew what to say because he knew how I am.

"Its going to be okay. I promise you. Come on, you need to get some sleep," said Andy.

I shook my head because I knew what would happen if I would try and sleep now. I didn't want to wake up screaming. Andy knew that something was wrong because of how I acted. He led me over to the couch and set me down.

"Why don't you want to sleep?" He asked.

"I don't want to have the nightmares. I might not have been concourse when it had happen but I know when I sleep I will dream about it. Please Andy don't make me sleep," I begged him.

He held me and until I calmed down and said, "Let me go get Ash and have him come down here with you. I have a meeting in the morning or I would stay awake down here with you. Is that okay with you?"

I nodded my head and he got up and went upstairs. A minute later Andy returned with a sleepy Ash. They both sat down next to me on the couch. Andy turned on the Tv and put it on a random channel and I just curled up next to Ash.

"Watch her Ash. I'm going to bed before Juliet gets worried about where I'm at. Night guys," Andy said to us.

Andy then left and I just stretched out on the couch and Ash put his arms around me and said, "Its going to be okay Rose, I promise you."

I didn't say anything. Soon I faded into darkness that is called sleep.




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