ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . shush demons » smut

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warning; friends2lovers, felix is kind of a perv... i warn you now, he's just rlly horny, oblivious!reader, oral (both receiving), multiple orgasms, hickies, face fucking, fingering, light biting

do i wanna know? - arctic monkeys
0:45 ──❍──────── 3:47
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

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if you're his best friend, then why is he like this?

he can't even begin to recall when this started, but it's been a fucking while. it feels like an eternity to felix.

"felix?" you call out to him sweetly.

there he is, standing in the middle of the sidewalk and staring into space, looking like a total idiot.

"yeah?" he stutters out, attention now on you. you with your short dress, a dark shade of green that suits you perfectly.

"what are you staring at, silly?" you smirk, turning to him, the main cause of his dissociation in your hand.

that damned lollipop. felix smiled at your reaction when the cashier at one of the shops along the town gave you it, your favorite flavor and all. but that smile faltered as soon as you wrapped your lips around it.

so sweet. so innocent.

felix shakes his head to snap himself out of it. "sorry, i zoned out!" he catches up to you, walking side by side.

if you asked him to fuck you right here in the street, he might just take it into consideration.

it all started some time ago, when you took him shopping on a day like this. despite knowing each other for so long, there was always some tension due to the 'boy and girl friendship' stigma. though, once that strain evaporated between you two, you dragged him out to do things you would do with your girl friends.

that shopping trip would effectively knock felix on his ass. he sat there while you tried on clothes, performing your own cute little catwalk with every piece. leaned forward in the fancy waiting chair, resting his arms on his thighs while his fingers laced together, he studied your every move. felix soon found himself itching to get the hell out of there, all the while wanting to buy you the short little dresses regardless of how many figures were on the price tag.

being best friends, you two obviously see each other all the time, right? one by one, each encounter never failed to leave him high and dry. anyone could only imagine that, plus the undeniable fact that this has been going on for a while.

"hey, how about this store?" you suggest, pointing at the fragrance store in front of you.

"sure," he says, walking through the door and holding it open for you.

the second the two of you walk in, you both let out groans of disgust. the overwhelming scents of the store hit you at once, making you squint your eyes at the whiff.

"i can already feel the headache." felix laughs at this, pushing through the pain and taking a look around.

there are perfumes and soaps, candles and products he knows you appreciate with your whole heart. it's a tiny store, but it's unique in its own way.

"hello?" a scratchy voice calls out.

you follow the voice, felix following as you walk up to the cash register. behind it stands and old woman, frames sat on the bridge of her nose and an apron with a name tag.

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