ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . busting a move » smut

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warning; medieval!au, chan is a knight and you're a princess, kidnapping/princessnapping, someone gets shot with an arrow, this is more plot than it is porn!!!, unprotected piv sex (i am NOT writing about what they used as condoms back in the day...), pullout method

movement - hozier
2:39 ──────❍──── 1:18
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

꒰ఎ ໒꒱

chan has a solid routine going for him: wake up, self-reflect, get ready for the day, and be out the door to report for duty by 7 o'clock sharp.

he swore that he could handle night shifts since he doesn't sleep either way, yet he was told that he's one of their strongest assets and that they mustn't encourage his gruesome sleep schedule.

the commotion reaches his ears the second he opens his door, the whispering and heavy footsteps no longer muffled by his walls or the part of his consciousness that was still asleep. he's wide awake now, no daily scolding needed.

a good friend's grayish blue hair is like seeing water in a desert. chan maneuvers between bodies to take hold of changbin's shoulder.

changbin is puzzled for only a moment before his expression morphs into one of relief. "phew, i thought i was all on my own in this riptide."

"what is happening?" chan asks. his eyes make a thorough pass over the people on the story below them, then trail up the stone stairs where he finds the man in charge of the knight order. "sheesh, even the grandmaster is out socializing."

"if this is what you call socializing, then sure," changbin replies, gesturing to the crowd that stretches out everywhere the eye can see.

suddenly, another fellow knight strides up to them. "have you guys seen jeongin? i can't find him anywhere."

chan can't stand it anymore, nobody is answering him. "okay, what the hell is going on?"

hyunjin and changbin make quick eye contact with each other. chan wants to tell them, "i saw that!" but hyunjin speaks before he can.

he stammers a bit but eventually answers chan, "the princess..."

that's one hell of an answer. way to go, hyunjin.

"jesus, spit it out, hyunjin," changbin snaps.

hyunjin gulps. "the princess is missing."

to say chan's heart drops would be a massive understatement. it feels like that heavy heart of his is a weight that's too hefty for him to lift. it threatens to make him drop to his knees with its burden.

"princess [name]?" he confirms just to be sure. "are you serious?"

changbin rolls his eyes and waves an arm in the direction of the crowd. "yeah, there's definitely not a whole gathering throughout the palace because he's joking."

chan shakes his head in disbelief. "how much of this have i slept through?"

hyunjin hisses as he searches his mind for an answer. "well, princess taeha noticed that she was nowhere to be found at midnight, but the chaos truly began at around 3 a.m.." he adjusts his shirt awkwardly. "you could probably say almost four hours worth of it."

the thought of the princess in the clutches of a mysterious bandit would make anyone want to faint. as worried as chan is, he reminds himself of the truth:

"she's like a loose cannon." changbin describes chan's thoughts perfectly. "whatever they kidnapped her for, they'll surely return her soon."

"they'll get sick of her fast," chan almost chuckles.

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