ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . well, that didn't work » fluff?

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warning; college!au, reader is so... me: very oblivious, confession, making out lool, reader is called dumbass once, mention of unspecified family emergency, a lil suggestive toward the end, yunjin is a girlboss tbh

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"girl, settle down!" you drag yunjin back onto the couch after she made an attempt at escape.

"i can't tell you!" she whines as you pull her head onto your shoulder, shushing her with feigned comfort.

"come on, i just asked who you find attractive in our classes." she doubles over again, groaning as she noses her knees.

you scoff, "now, you're just being dramatic. it can't be that bad."

"it's bad," she mumbles, muffled by the fabric of her sweatpants until you pull her up by her shirt.

"don't tell me it's wooyoung," you gasp. she shakes her head like a child, opting to use your thighs as a pillow.

"promise not to be mad?"

a million possibilities crash together in your mind, but nonetheless, you say, "promise. unless it's wooyoung."

yunjin giggles before uttering what would be your downfall:

"well... seungmin is my type."

your heart stops for a fleeting moment, the impact disturbing the peace in your chest, the aftermath stinging physically and mentally.

you keep your cool, though. "really? my best friend?" you say like you're disappointed, and you are in a way.

"i know, i'm sorry!" she pleads. "it's just that from what you've told me of him and how he is in class, he just seems like what i want in a person."

"he's dead silent during class."

"no. i'm talking about when he's asked to speak in class and how smart his speaking is—"

"his speaking is smart?" you laugh and she looks up at you with a smirk.

"whatever! you tell me how nice he is and i know that he's super intelligent, exactly what i look for."

this is what she likes, you know this. you realize now it was probably inevitable. but it still hurts.

you know seungmin will never like you back. you repeatedly cursed yourself out when you first thought he looked too cute when he smiled. hell, you even considered what it would be like if you did date. but are these intense, mushy feelings truly worth losing your best friend over? one of the people you love most in this world?

a small period of silence passes, both of you watching the movie displayed on the tv. '13 going on 30' was always how you've wanted it to turn out with seungmin. you just wish for things to work out the way you oh so desire. sadly, you can't even bare the thought of it being awkward after, the imminent end being the end of your friendship.

someone has to have him, right?

"how about i set you up?"

a spontaneous comment, yes, but feasible? this could be the thing that turns your feelings for him back to platonic ones, seeing him happy with your friend.

yunjin glances up at you once again. "you'd do that?"

you nod with a forced smile. "i would. let's strategize."

‎ ʚ♡⃛ɞ

the game plan has been made. last night, you and yunjin came up with a little something: you tell him about yunjin's thing for him, you offer to take him to dinner, then you stand him up because of an emergency last minute, your friend "coincidentally" sees and joins him. perfect plan in order!

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