ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . once upon a pastry » fluffish

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warning; highschool!au, you sad crying bb :( no one remembered ur bday

matilda - harry styles
0:48 ──❍──────── 3:17
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

꒰ఎ ໒꒱

how happy today was supposed to be. oh, but how sad it was turning out to be.

you never thought you'd fit into that group of people who's birthday was forgotten by their friends. however, you were soon proven wrong when you walked into class and no one even greeted you.

sure, you hadn't been friends all your lives, but you remembered all of their birthdays. the least they could do was remember yours.

the whole day was depressing. even a few teachers told you to pick up your feet. even at your locker at the end of the day, not a single person say those special words. 'happy birthday,' was all you wanted to hear.

walking home, you pondered on this no matter how hard you tried not to. as you walked by some shops and restaurants, one of them containing a group celebrating a birthday, these thought only got worse.

then, the rain started to pour. it wasn't even light and you didn't pack an umbrella. at this point, you were convinced lady luck just hated you today. without a care in the world, you continued to walk through the rain. it seemed time went faster than it actually was in your mind.

"hey, girl!" you heard someone call out.

that someone happened to be one of felix's friends. he had been biking, but stopped to walk at your side. "i have a name, smartass!" you scoffed.

"so do i," he replied. he was absolutely drenched just like you. "you know it, right?"

"seungmin," you answer him, knowing you got it right when he tried to hold back a smirk.

"why're you walking in the rain all by yourself?" he questions you, though he thinks he already knows the answer.

"well, who's here to walk with me, huh?" you retort, annoyed you've been once again reminded how alone you were.

he nods, his bike's tracks on the sidewalk barely being heard over the loud rain. you were both talking loudly, though, so it was fine.

"say, do you normally take this route?" he asks suddenly.

"yeah, my house is this way," you say. "i never see you take this way."

"that's cause i don't," he answers plainly.

walking in silence and enjoying the rain, a major intersection came between you and the rest of your way home.

"my house is coming up," you tell him. "im guessing yours isn't near here."

"nope," he grins. you watch as he presses the button to cross, soon enough pressing your own. waiting for these damn signals is irritating, until he speaks up for the last time. "have a wonderful day, [name]."

you watch, astounded as he crosses the street. you wondered if he knew, but quickly brushed off the idea once you realized you only had 10 seconds to cross.

once again, you were left alone with your bitter thoughts.

you weren't sure when you started crying, not even knowing if your eyelashes were clumped together with tears or raindrops. it didn't even matter anyway, because you were home now, all alone. if only your parents took the time out of a business trip to be there with you. they thought a long facetime and some presents added up to them actually being present.

one surprise after another it seems as you go to open an already unlocked front door. obviously, your heart was racing from fear. as you got your heavy bag ready to attack whoever had intruded your home, you push open the door and step inside, locking it behind you.

suddenly, the lights that were on for some reason shut off. you were frozen in fear as rustling was heard in the kitchen. before you could yell anything, a figure started to leave the kitchen and towards you.

you knew this person, and he knew you.

"happy birthday to you! happy birthday to you! happy birthday dear [name]!" he sounds up right in front of you holding a cake with lit candles all over. "happy birthday to you!"

you could tell he was proud of himself. the way he knew exactly what kind of cake to make you, and he knew that you preferred the lights out.

the flames illuminated his beautiful face, allowing you to see every curve and freckle. "make a wish, would ya?"

after standing in awe for a moment, you blew out all the candles and smiled when felix started cheering.

"when did you get here?" you ask coyly, taking the cake from him to admire it in the dark.

he thankfully turned the lights on. "i raced over here before i could even go to my locker. i somehow got here before it started raining, but i felt terrible that you were walking alone, so i asked seungmin if he could visit you on his way home."

that's makes sense now.

"seriously?" you ask in amazement as you two walk into the kitchen, setting down the cake. "wow i- i don't know what to say!"

"you don't have to say anything," he reassures you, putting his hands on your shoulders. "tell me, how was your school day?" his face suddenly goes concerned, and he wipes the drops off your cheeks. "are you crying?"

you shook your head, still in denial that this was happening. "no one remembered." seeing felix's confused expression, you speak before he can. "but i don't really care anymore. you're all i need anyway!" you say cheerily

felix's gaze shifted from one happy to another, more affectionate happy. you were all he needed, too. of course, he wouldn't tell you any more than that on your birthday, though.

"i'm sorry no one remembered," he says before his tone shifts to one as lively as yours, "but let's eat!"

your heart burned with so many emotions. as much as you wanted to cry out of tenderness for felix and his actions, you wanted to make this a happy day now. because today was no longer about other people being there; it was about the one who cared, felix and all he had to offer on your special day.

felix was just doing what he felt in his heart. and that was out of love.

꒰ఎ ໒꒱

a/n: i tried to make this one long but failed miserably lol it's ok tho, hope u enjoy

1k words

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