ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . you're the one that i daunt » smut

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warning; college!au, rivals2???(lovers?), reader is kind of a perv, sexual tension, making out, dirty talkkk, humiliation, impact play (spanking 4x?), slight jealousy/possessiveness, degradation, reader is a brat but needy, oral (f rec), threat of orgasm denial, mention of edging, slight dumbification, spit kink, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, protected piv sex 👍👍

shameless - camila cabello
2:31 ───────❍─── 1:07
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

꒰ఎ ໒꒱

if kim seungmin was a color, he'd be purple; dark, compelling, indecipherable.

"i wonder if anyone from my math class is here," you say over the blaring music. you get it—doja cat is good, great even, but does she really need to "say so" at max volume?

"this place is crawling with freshmen," sakura says bluntly.

"don't be so judgmental," you tell her. "we're not that—"

you stop completely the second you lock eyes with someone across the room. he's staring you down, but not in a creepy way—no, rather in an intriguing sense.

kim seungmin is many things; difficult, intelligent, witty.

"erm, [name]?" sakura snaps her fingers in front of you. you hurriedly slap her hands away.

"sakura! you just gave me away!" you complain.

"what? you suddenly stopped talking!" she moves her solo cup as she talks, matching what she does with it with her words. "what were you even looking at anyway?"

you exhale sharply through your nose. how do you say this? kim seungmin, a guy in your math class, is here tonight, at this very party. he's as equally intimidating as he is elegant. seungmin and you have argued countless times in the months you've been taking classes here, whether it be about homework or what color the sky is.

upon informing sakura about all this, she takes a very obvious glance at him from over your shoulder and you bring her back with a stern look on your face. "are you crazy?"

"that's the guy?" she questions. "if you don't like him, why do you care so much?"

"i don't not like him..." sakura raises a brow at you. "but it's not like i like him, either."

"you know what this sounds like?" now it's your time to raise your eyebrows. she leads you into another room, where it's more quiet if you don't count the couple making out on the couch. "bullshit. but also sexual tension."

your eyes widen—because you're actually considering it now. could what seungmin and you have going on really be sexual tension? it scares you when you think about what the textbook definition is, because it's not completely different from the way you two act.

"are you sure?" you ask, playing with your thigh highs. you wore these because they're pretty; black thigh high stockings that look like they could be a part of a lingerie set. but so far, no one has noticed them, and it makes you slightly disappointed. then again, screw dressing for other people!

"oh," she says as she leans in with her hand on your shoulder, "i'm positive. i've seen things." sakura takes your hand and brings you back to the led lights and loud music. "listen to the junior."

"you're using the power that comes with age against me," you scoff playfully.

"i call it wisdom."

you chuckle and scan the room. you then see someone you actually don't mind looking into the eyes of.

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