ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . sweep and weep em in rows » smut

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warning + spoiler of the chapter; best friend!minho, nonidol!au, SPOILERS for the finale of a certain anime with demons in it,,,, soju/alcohol use, a lot of crying, a lot of stressing, mentions of difficulty being vulnerable,,, drunk sex, memory loss from alcohol, friends2lovers, hickies, biting, unprotected piv sex, pullout method, sort of primal play 😭?, scratching, emotional sex, mention of oral (f receiving), the L word 😟, emotional love confession, playful best friend vs partner rivalry, bokseungah being menaces

right here - chase atlantic
1:51 ─────❍───── 2:03
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

꒰ఎ ໒꒱

best friends who cry together stay together, but not for the reason people may think; no, this is specifically for the besties who both struggle with vulnerability and finally put enough trust in each other to let their burden become known—only by one another, though. there's a silent and unspoken pact of secrecy.

as minho exits his room for a grand and notable second time today, felix says from the couch where him and the rest of their roommates dominate him in mariokart, "look who finally arose from his slumber—" but he's floored when he sees his friend's red, exhausted face. felix's jaw drops and he nudges jeongin and seungmin as if minho is a creature starring in national geographic.

he opens the door without paying any mind to his friends and that when the pact from earlier is violated to some extent in an area; you're standing on the other side of it and from the looks of it, you're also puffy and sniffling. and although minho and you will stay together because crying together is a jinx in your eyes, the whole part about it being sworn to secrecy without words be exchanged doesn't remain intact. shamelessly, you embrace minho after exchanging a few words, burying your face in his shirt and vice versa.

"what the fuck?" jeongin says incoherently, staring at the creature that is lee minho. a pause goes by before he speaks again. "since when did he gain sadness as a new feeling?"

"everyone gets sad, dummy," seungmin responds although he too is eyeing minho and you like a hawk, as equally confused as his friends.

"yeah, but it's not like he ever just walks out mid sob sesh and then hugs someone," jeongin says. "i've never seen him and her hug."

"i've never seen her hug anyone, actually," felix chimes in.

"[name] has hugged you many times before," seungmin snorts. "although it was more so you hugging her."

"that because i had a massive, intolerable crush on her at the time," felix mutters.

"minho shut that down fast," jeongin chuckles quietly.

felix closes his eyes and they stay closed for a moment, as if trying to will the war flashbacks away.

when the two of you don't pull away after a solid ten seconds, the boys become even more puzzled.

"did he confess his love for her or something?" jeongin shakes his head in disbelief.

"i never expected minho to be tearful in that situation," seungmin remarks. "but damn, over the phone? really? i never pegged him to be that type."

"don't assume anything," felix says. "just watch closely—inconspicuously, but closely."

like peas in a pod, the three all turn their bodies back to the screen, but their attention remains on minho and you.

"you got the goods?" minho questions.

jeongin's eyes pop out of his skull and felix can't help the giggle he makes when the younger says, "goods...?" seungmin smirks and uses his hand to subtly cover it.

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