ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . patting my own shoulder » smut

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warnings; a lotta teasing, reader is just so horny, fingering, mentions of nudes ish?, mentions of partying, unprotected (wrap it before you tap it), car sex, slight exhibitionism if you will, kinda public sex, hickies, multiple orgasms, begging, a lil dirty talk

slow down - chase atlantic
1:32 ─────❍───── 1:59
↻ ⊲ Ⅱ ⊳ ↺
VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

꒰ఎ ໒꒱

it was crowded. and intense. definitely not like you had expected it.

sure, it was a fancy business party, but everything just felt more overwhelming than any party you'd been to. maybe it was because you were within reach of your tempting looking boyfriend.

as he speaks with his fellow coworkers, you watch him talk with his hands, too. his perfect, fair hands that were decorated in rings. his hands that could do anything and everything to you.

the way you could make out every single pigmentation and crevice of his face. and those lips of his you just longed to bite swollen.

"honey?" minho calls out to you, snapping you out of your trance.

"yes!" your eyes widen when a smirk finds its way onto your face.

"are you feeling alright? i know parties aren't your thing," he says.

"i'm fine, just a bit dizzy," you lie. it wasn't completely untrue, though. you the only physical thing you felt was something you'd rather die than say in front of all these people.

you almost feel bad when his face flashes concern. "do you need to sit down?" his hand finds yours, grazing your thigh slightly and sending a shock to your core.

"no, it's getting better!" you assure him.

minho quirks a brow, before placing his hand on your waist and rubbing slightly. "tell me if you need to sit down."

you nod at him and he joins the conversation once more, although it had still continued even when he was talking to you. if, more like when he found out how you were feeling, he'd understand immediately.

what minho wore was a simple white button down shirt with its sleeves rolled below his elbow, and black dress pants to compliment it. he unbuttoned it just enough for the triangle of skin to fuel your arousal further. if he hadn't acted so innocent back at your apartment, you would've presumed he did it on purpose. but it seems he's painfully unaware of his appeal.

that's what you thought, at least. throughout your relationship, minho hadn't forgotten your obsession with him in suits. and apparel like this. but he wants to sit back and enjoy your not so obvious lust. he wants to see how long it takes you to tug on his sleeve and tell him you don't feel well.

"[name], what've you been up to?" his friend, felix suddenly asks.

you look up from the floor to meet his gaze. "oh, nothing much! i've been taking more shifts lately so that i can take a break next week."

"good for you!" changbin says with a smile. "taking a break is always nice."

you're about to nod at him when seungmin says, "tell minho to take a break with you, too! he wants to so bad."

minho eyes the ground, a grin threatening to show itself.

"c'mon, don't be shy!" chris laughs.

"you trying to get rid of me?" minho jokes.

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