ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . i tried, okay? » smut

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warning; non idol!au, reader is a lonely hopeless romantic, maidofhonor/bestman!au, lotsa making out, fingering, unprotected piv sex (don't do it!!), pullout method, crying, reader is chris' lil sis,

king of my heart - taylor swift
2:38 ────────❍── 0:55
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

꒰ఎ ໒꒱

from the very beginning, it's always been you wanting love. craving it, if you will so intensely. you never stop dreaming of the day you'll get married and have a whole person to yourself.

that's why when your brother, chris got engaged, you were happy for him, but also a little bit disappointed. a bit beaten that he's getting married before you, while you can't even stay in a relationship for more than a few months. it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with your fear of marriage being equal to your adoration for it.

people from your family and the bride's family have come to the rehearsal dinner, mainly focusing on the happy couple themselves. as the maid of honor, you've paired up with the best man. it's not like you're new to each other, you've known hyunjin as long as chris has.

so when he says, "are you having fun?" you feel comfortable enough to tell him the truth. what's more romantic than a ceremony in france for crying out loud?

"i guess," you say. "they're so cute together."

"i know," he mumbles. "are you perhaps jealous?"

you scoff, more at yourself. "of course i am. i'm so happy for them, but... i just can't help but wish that was me."

"what? taking chris' spot and marrying her instead?" you lightly punch him in the arm. you can tell he's trying to make you feel better, and you're appreciative that he isn't judging you or calling you out for being envious of your own brother.

your smile doesn't last long as you see your least favorite aunt waltzing her way over to you guys where you stand near the food table.

"[name]! it's been so long!" she pulls you into a hug and you cringe behind her back. "i remember when you were this big." you want to giggle at the generic relative response.

"yeah, crazy right?" you laugh awkwardly.

"it sure is! i thought you would've gotten married before your brother, honestly." your people pleaser face almost falters at this. "you've always been more of a romantic than him. don't tell him i told you this, though."

how the hell are you supposed to answer that? agree with her or something?

"yeah, i thought i would've, too!" you and her share a short laugh, although you're trying to contain yourself the whole time.

"well, i better get going," she says and after a quick goodbye, she's off and making herself comfortable in chair to torment your parents next.

"what a bitch," hyunjin whispers.

you sigh. "yeah, i know." you don't mean for it to come out so mellow, but it obviously does, because hyunjin looks at you with understanding.

"you should get together with someone fast so that you can rub it in her face," he suggests.

you agree and keep to yourself and your partner in crime the rest of the night, only talking to who you need to.

you're spent by the time you're back at the hotel. you nosedive onto your bed after flinging your bags onto the ground. you quietly yell into the mattress, muffled just enough for security not to be called.

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