ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . a big bone thing » smut

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warning; non idol!au, perv!jeongin, masturbation on both sides (not detailed), non consented voyeurism, normalization of pervy things, porn watching (not detailed), roommates to ???, innie has a lil bit of switchy undertones, sub!reader, oral (f rec), overstim, multiple orgasms, unprotected piv sex (don't be a fool, wrap your tool), this is just a little smutty story so don't take it literally!! i do not condone the stealing of panties or anything invasive in this

warning; non idol!au, perv!jeongin, masturbation on both sides (not detailed), non consented voyeurism, normalization of pervy things, porn watching (not detailed), roommates to ???, innie has a lil bit of switchy undertones, sub!reader, oral (f r...

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cross my heart - artemas
0:24 ─❍───────── 2:01
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

꒰ఎ ໒꒱

nothing was ever completely innocent between you and jeongin. well, on his side, at least.

from the first time he met you, he was utterly hooked. you two became best friends almost immediately, and you swear you've never felt at home with someone so fast. it's like you were destined to meet at the cafe that day.

it was too perfect to not be fate. he was chilling out there with a couple of his friends, and you were there with yours. thank god hyunjin recognized yeji from a few tables down, cackling at a joke you made. yeji then introduced you and chaeryeong to hyunjin, who was accompanied by changbin and jeongin.

jeongin set eyes on your figure, how shy you were with your hair wrapped around your finger. he cringed when changbin began speaking to you with his booming voice, but his prayers were answered when you simply smiled and answered whatever questions the gym rat threw at you. jeongin was thanking whatever god was out there that your personality was as pretty as your appearance.

somehow, you two wound up sitting across from each other, not being able to stop talking. both of you were skittish at first, but it didn't take much for you to open up enough to get along. it was only when you pulled away from the discussion to speak to chaeryeong that jeongin's eyes wandered down to your chest. with that tiny little shirt and skirt and only a cardigan to keep you warm, you must've been freezing in this autumn weather. but somehow, he was glad that you wore so little clothing. more of a view for him when your boobs were bouncing as you laughed at a joke one of your friends made.

years later, you had plans to move into an apartment with your friend, soyeon, but a family member suddenly became sick and she had no choice but to take her name off the lease. was it really jeongin's fault that he fell even harder when you asked him to move in with you instead?

he was already beating himself up about his pervy thoughts of you the first day he spent living there. you and him had dinner together, at the same table, and all he could think of is what he would do if he ever got to fuck you on it. yet not even his inner self deprecation could stop him from checking you out when you weren't looking. why did you always have to wear such revealing clothes? those skirts that would surely show your ass if you so much as moved wrong. the itty bitty shirts that you wore more often than not.

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