ꗃ ⋆ ࣪ . there are all my words » drabble

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warning; college au, tension effectively bloomed, mentions of eye touching, one "that's what she said" joke, reader is jokingly (kind of) aggressive (she's just mean business), minho is classic guy best friend lol

eyes don't lie - isabel larosa
0:39 ──❍──────── 1:50
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VOLUME: ▁▂▃▄▅▆▇ 100%

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"i got contacts."

you slowly turn your head with a sour look on your face to your best friend, who just made the most shocking declaration you've ever heard. in the middle of your college's library, too.

"contacts? remember what happened when you tried to put in my colored ones?" you smirk as you recall the incident, how much he struggled before ultimately calling it quits. the way he kept on giggling when you would gripe in disillusion at his inability to put the damn things in.

he ignores you and holds up a box. "are you free tonight?"

you hold a finger up to your chin, feigning thought. he narrows his eyes at you and waits until your charade is done to smile. "i think i am."

‎ ʚ♡⃛ɞ

you resume your teasing the second minho greets you at his door. "you ready to bail again?"

he starts to jokingly close the door on you, but you push your way through. you notice his roommate isn't there doing dishes or playing video games like usual. "where's seungmin?"

"visiting hyunjin and jisung," he says as he walks toward the bathroom. "you coming or what?"

you set your stuff down before following him into the cramped space. there, you see the box on the back of the sink.

"so, how are we doing this?" you ask. truly, you have no idea why he requested your presence. when he tried out your contacts ages ago, he wound up kicking you out of your own bathroom because of your encouragement that soon got aggressive.

"you have to teach me how to do this," he says simply.

"didn't they teach you at the—"

he shushes you, waving the box of lenses in your face. "don't ask questions. now, what do i do?"

you sigh and take the box from him, opening it and ripping off two from one of the rows. "first, you open it," you say in a mocking voice, talking to him like he's a child. minho glares at you as he takes one of the packages, and you let out a short cackle. he tears it open and looks at you for your next instruction. "wait, did you wash your hands?"

he groans and sets it down, cleans his hands—so do you, for good measure—and picks it up again. "now i have."

"good job," you say. "now, get it onto your index finger, not directly on the tip."

"that's what she said," he mutters as he does as you say.

"next, pull your eyelid up and look to the side, and then do the rest."

he does exactly that, word for word, but ends up as you expected; struggling. you suppress your giggles as he repeats this process yet still can't do it. with each failure, he lets out some kind of disappointment noise. his diverse minho dialogue selection is coming through right now.

last time, he pushed you out because you got too demanding, so you tell yourself to stay positive like you always do him. in a different context, of course.

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