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Makoto stood outside the stairwell on the ground floor. This was where Sousuke had first talked to him yesterday. Makoto waited as lunch started, he couldn't see Sousuke. He couldn't hear as well with his ears under his green beanie but still, there was no one coming his way. He stood there a moment longer before someone put a hand on his shoulder. Makoto yelped and jumped away.

"What's the matter Makoto?" Sousuke's deep voice came from behind him.

Makoto turned around, his heart still pounding. Makoto was a little surprised when he said, "I-I didn't know you were there..."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you, I would've said something," Sousuke smirked, "If I'd known you were such a scaredy cat."

Makoto's face turned instantly red. He stuttered, "I-I'm not a scaredy cat."

Sousuke smiled deviously, "Then maybe you'd like to go on an adventure to the school basement."

"Basement?" Makoto lightly gripped the straps of his backpack, "Isn't it dark down there?"

"Yeah," Sousuke took a step towards Makoto, "But if you're too scared, we don't have to go."

Makoto gulped. He wanted Sousuke to think he was at least somewhat brave but he also didn't want to go down there. He tried to cover for his hesitation by asking, "Are students even allowed down there?"

"Of course not." Sousuke turned back and started walking down the stairs, saying, "Just like we're not allowed on the roof."

"Wait Sousuke!" But Sousuke was already leaving without him. Makoto took a deep breath and scampered after him. When Makoto got down to the basement, he couldn't see Sousuke anymore. It wasn't too dark, there were a few old fluorescent lights and Makoto's eyes were able to reflect the light to make it look brighter.

He couldn't see Sousuke but he heard him say, "What interesting eyes you have. Not very many people's eyes glow like that. And you said you weren't hiding anything."

Makoto was starting to get a little frustrated and hurt. Had Sousuke just brought him down here to make fun of him? Makoto couldn't take it anymore, "What are you doing Sousuke!"

"Don't worry," Sousuke stepped out from behind something, "I'm only joking." But seeing Sousuke spooked Makoto more. Sousuke's eyes were also glowing, but not the way Makoto's did, they were glowing bright red.

Makoto stuttered and took a step back. "But what about you, looks like you were hiding something too."

Sousuke smiled, "But I didn't say I wasn't hiding anything." Sousuke took a step forward, making Makoto take a step back. Makoto's back hit a wall and Sousuke loomed over him. Sousuke laughed and placed a hand on Makoto's cheek. "Don't look so worried."

Makoto's heart was racing. Now he was more flustered than anything. He didn't know what to do, he was nervously twitching his ears under his hat. Only a fool would close his eyes in that moment, he thought to himself. But he found himself involuntarily doing just that. Makoto had long wanted to kiss Sousuke, even if this wasn't the circumstances he had imagined. His eyes closed slowly and he just relished the touch of Sousuke's hand that was still on his cheek.

Next thing, he felt Sousuke's cool lips press against his. Makoto's knees weakened as he kissed Sousuke back.

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