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Makoto had been spending more and more time at Sousuke's house after that first time. They would do everything together there. This particular time, they were studying together, it was Makoto's senior year of high school after all and he couldn't wait to graduate. He wasn't sure what Sousuke's plans were since he didn't really have a need to keep going to school and was only there as something to occupy his time. Makoto sat on the floor, pouring over his books as Sousuke just watched. He loved the way Makoto's tail twitched while he was thinking. And the way he flicked his ears when he couldn't figure out something. Makoto was never still, his tail always swishing from side to side. Sousuke was entranced.

When Makoto had had enough for the day, he stretched and splayed his arms and legs out on the floor. He unconsciously rested his tail in Sousuke's lap. Sousuke put his hand out to stroke Makoto's back causing Makoto to turn his head toward him. Sousuke smiled and whispered, "You're so precious."

Makoto's face turned instantly red and he hid his face in his arms. "You're just saying that." Makoto's voice was muffled from being directed at the floor.

Sousuke chuckled, "I mean it." Makoto got up and wrapped his arms around Sousuke, nuzzling his head into Sousuke's shoulder. Sousuke smiled and held Makoto closer. "Makoto, I've been thinking, I don't remember the last time I've been this close with someone without them being afraid."

"We will never have to hide from each other," Makoto's tail flicked up to gently touch Sousuke's hand that rested on his back.

Sousuke squeezed Makoto tighter, "Makoto, I used to think that I was fated to be alone. And I was okay with that. I always had peace and quiet and all the space I needed. I thought the solitude was freeing." Makoto leaned back to look at Sousuke, a slightly confused look in his eyes. Sousuke kept talking, "But I was wrong. The peace and quiet is trapping and this space around me feels empty. Makoto you bring life to the room, you bring life to me. And when you're not there, I might as well be dead. Your spirit took away the coldness in my heart and brought back the passion that I thought I'd never feel again. You're different from anyone I've ever known and you fill my every thought. You deserve someone who loves your playful spirit, your quiet moments, your fire. Someone who loves you for everything that you are. You deserve someone who will lay the stars at your feet." Sousuke reached into a pocket and pulled out a small box, "I only have this one so far but if you give me the chance, I will spend my life doing what ever takes to lay the sky at your feet. Makoto, will you marry me?"

Makoto was in tears, they were freely streaming down his cheeks. His hands were clasped over his mouth. It was beautiful. "Y-yes!" Makoto choked out before throwing his arms around Sousuke. Sousuke hugged him back before gently pulling back to reach for Makoto's left hand. He took the diamond ring out of the box and held Makoto's hand, gently slipping it over his fourth finger. Makoto held his hand up looking at the ring, it really did sparkle like the stars. Tears started to build up again. Makoto took Sousuke's face in his hands and kissed him deeply.

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