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Makoto's eyes widened, his ears standing straight up. "S-Sousuke..." Makoto stared at him for a moment before saying, "Haha that's a funny joke..."

"I'm not joking," he looked completely serious, "Marry me."

Sousuke started to lean in. Makoto was so flustered and desperate for words. He stuttered, "We're only in high school."

"Don't care," Sousuke whispered right before he kissed Makoto again. Makoto's mind was blank, he had no idea what to do. He almost wanted to say yes to Sousuke. But what did he really know about Sousuke?

Makoto snapped back to the present when he felt Sousuke's tongue glide along his lower lip. Makoto was caught off guard and parted his lips just enough for Sousuke to slip his tongue in. Makoto's eyes went wide open, it took him a moment to react, but he brought his hands up to Sousuke's shoulders and gently pushed him back. Sousuke furrowed his eyebrows, Makoto just tried to smile. He said, "Why don't we try to get to know each other a little more first."

Sousuke stepped back, wiping his mouth. He smiled deviously, "I guess we could do that." Sousuke ran a hand through Makoto's hair, twirling a piece around his fingers. "Then do you want to go on a date with me this Friday?"

Makoto could feel his cheeks turning pink. He genuinely smiled, "I'd love to." He looked into Sousuke's teal eyes, "I feel like I'm in a fairytale."

"I really just want to skip to the happily ever after," Sousuke grinned again and lightly kissed Makoto. The bell rang, it echoed in the basement. "I guess we should go back to class," he said it but made no motion to move.

"We really should go back," Makoto said a little nervously, "We're not even supposed to be down here..." Sousuke stood there a moment longer before taking a step back. Makoto smiled and went to the bottom of the staircase. He looked back at Sousuke, waiting for him to come closer. When Sousuke reached the steps, Makoto took hold of his hand. Makoto closed his eyes and smiled, "I really am happy with how this turned out."

Sousuke lightly squeezed Makoto's hand and began walking up the stairs. Makoto followed along, looking at the tall, ripped boy walking in front of him. Makoto couldn't believe that they were holding hands, let alone that they were now going out.

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