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It was Makoto's birthday, late in November. He barely left the house because it was such a bother when he did. The baby was due in two weeks, Makoto was so excited to meet his new child. He couldn't believe that so much time had passed already, it seemed like he had only found out about being pregnant but now here was eight and a half months pregnant. Makoto couldn't wait to be a parent.

Makoto made it to Sousuke's house early that morning, Sousuke wanted to show him something before celebrating Makoto's birthday with friends and family later. Sousuke ran outside when he saw Makoto walking up the front steps. Makoto couldn't help smiling, "You're excited."

"Well it is my fiancée's birthday," Sousuke smiled back. He walked up to Makoto and helped him up the last few steps inside. Sousuke shut the door behind them, saying, "Besides, I have a surprise for you." Sousuke led Makoto up the stairs to the second floor. When they reached the landing, he stood behind Makoto and gently rested his hands over Makoto's eyes. "No peaking."

Makoto giggled, "I won't."

Sousuke walked them both forward a few steps and stopped. Makoto heard the sound of a door opening. They walked forward a few more steps before stopping again. Sousuke took his hands away, letting Makoto open his eyes. Makoto was speechless. The entire room had been transformed into a nursery. Everything was done in a light pastel green. It was perfect. Makoto could feel himself getting teary-eyed. "Sousuke... This is... wonderful."

Souuske smiled and hugged Makoto from behind. He gently wrapped his arms around Makoto, resting his head on Makoto's shoulder. "I wanted it to be done in time for your birthday."

"I love it," Makoto rested his hand on top of Sousuke's. "I can't wait until we're all a family together."

Sousuke gently pressed his hand against Makoto's belly, "We already are."

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