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Friday. Makoto couldn't wait for school to be over, Sousuke was going to pick him up at 8. Makoto couldn't believe it, Sousuke was actually going to pick him up rather than just meet somewhere. It felt a little old fashioned but he loved it. It felt like he was actually being courted and Makoto really felt like he was in a classic romance story.

As soon as the final bell rang, Makoto shot out of the classroom, heading straight home. He wanted to have time to get ready for his date. He briefly said hello to his family and went straight to his room. He knew he had a couple hours but that wasn't enough time. The first thing Makoto did was shower. He just wanted get the smell of school off. Makoto took his time getting ready, he was determined to not feel rushed. He still ended up taking most of the time deciding what to wear. He'd pick something and then change 15 minutes later.

Even so, Makoto was still ready half an hour before 8. He was waiting in the kitchen with his mom. She smiled at him, "You look handsome Makoto." Makoto laughed nervously. She looked at him again, "I'm sure I don't need to tell you but be careful and come home at a decent hour."

Makoto smiled, "I will." Just then there was a knock at the front door. Makoto was sure it was Sousuke. He looked at his mom nervously, "He's here..."

He was about to go answer the door when his mom stopped him. She smiled, "I'll get him." She headed out of the kitchen, saying to Makoto over her shoulder, "Make him wait."

Makoto just smiled and stayed in the kitchen. He heard his mom open the door, "You must be Sousuke. I'm Makoto's mom."

Makoto was so nervous, he hoped that his mom would like Sousuke. Sousuke was so polite when he responded, "Hi, it's so nice to meet you. Makoto is really quite special." Makoto could feel his face turn absolutely pink. He was glad he was still in the kitchen, he would be even more embarrassed if he was out there.

"Oh he's just an angel around the house and with his little siblings!" She laughed before saying, "Come on in Sousuke, I'll go see if Makoto is ready." A few moments later his mom walked back into the kitchen. She smiled up at Makoto, "He's seems really nice. And quite the looker."

"Mom!" Makoto blushed again.

"I'm happy for you," she walked over to Makoto, who was somewhat frozen to the spot, and pushed him towards the door. "Don't be so nervous, you'll be fine. Have fun tonight."

Makoto practically stumbled out the kitchen door. He saw Sousuke standing in the hall and his breath caught in his throat, he looked so handsome. Makoto smiled and tried his best to speak evenly, "Hey Sousuke."

Sousuke smiled on one side and went up to Makoto, taking hold of his hand. "Hey Makoto, ready?"

"Y-yeah," Makoto giggled. Makoto looked back towards the kitchen and saw his mom standing there. She was lightly chuckling and waved to Makoto. Makoto's face turned a bright pink but he still waved back before walking out the front door hand in hand with Sousuke.

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