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Sousuke walked back in his house, it was very dark. He was used to having it that way but usually Makoto liked it a little brighter. "Makoto?" He called out.

Makoto walked into the hallway, a warm light coming from the doorway he had come through. He walked up to Sousuke and gently kissed him, "Happy birthday Sousuke." He smiled, his tail was high and swishing happily behind his shoulders.

Sousuke smirked and wrapped his arms around Makoto's waist, he wanted to pull him in close but he didn't want to hurt Makoto or the baby. He touched his forehead to Makoto's, "Is that why you sent me out of the house today?"

Makoto smiled slyly, "Maybe..." He stepped back and pulled Sousuke forward toward the open doorway. "Close your eyes!"

Sousuke smiled and went along with Makoto. Makoto brought him through the door and stopped. Sousuke could feel more light in the room. Makoto let go of Sousuke's hand and walked a little away before saying, "Open your eyes!"

Sousuke opened his eyes to see candles everywhere, they were all set up along the mantle and shelves and small tables. There were fresh flowers on every table, a dozen red roses in each vase. On the coffee table in the middle of the room was a finely laid out meal, entrees presented beautifully on silver plates. And in the middle of it all stood Makoto, eyes closed and smiling wide. "Surprise!"

Sousuke smiled, he loved it. He loved that Makoto put so much time into making it special for him. Sousuke went right up to Makoto and wrapped his arms around him. He planted a kiss on Makoto's cheek, whispering, "I love it." Makoto giggled and put his lips to Sousuke's. Sousuke kissed Makoto deeply, running his tongue along Makoto's lip before sliding it into Makoto's mouth. When they came apart, Sousuke couldn't help saying, "You taste so good."

Makoto blushed a deep red and flicked his ears back. "Y-you're just saying that."

Sousuke kissed him again, holding it a little longer. He kissed Makoto's cheek and jaw. He got to Makoto's earlobe and lightly bit it before breathing, "I've always thought so..."

A chill went up Makoto's spine and ruffled his fur at Sousuke's hot breath in his ear. He let out a little giggle, "Th-that tickles."

Sousuke leaned his head against Makoto's, smirking. "So sensitive."

After they ate dinner, Sousuke brought Makoto over to the fainting couch. He laid back against the chair and brought Makoto sit in front of him. All the candles were still flickering and casting shadows in Makoto's nut brown hair. Sousuke wrapped his arm around Makoto and ran his hand through Makoto's hair. Makoto leaned back into Sousuke, resting his head on Sousuke's shoulder. Makoto involuntarily flicked his ears every time Sousuke's hand would brush against them. Sousuke couldn't help smiling.

Makoto put his hand over his stomach and squeezed his eyes shut. Sousuke was suddenly worried but when Makoto opened his eyes, he smiled and gently guided Sousuke's hand to rest on his belly. "Can you feel her?" Makoto smiled up at Sousuke.

Sousuke held his hand there, feeling Makoto's belly. He felt movement inside, his eyes widened. "Makoto... That's amazing." A wide smile spread across his face. Makoto smiled back, a light blush on his face. Sousuke looked down at Makoto seriously. "Makoto," he brought his hand up to rest on Makoto's cheek, "You are the best present I could ever ask for. You are more than I deserve."

"Sousuke..." Makoto stared up at him.

He leaned his head down against Makoto's, closing his eyes. Sousuke whispered, "I love that you did so much to make today special for me, I love that we get to be together, I love that we're going to have a family together. Makoto... I love you."

Makoto's face was burning up. He snuggled in closer to Sousuke and pressed his head into Sousuke's shoulder. "I love you too."

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