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Saturday night and Sousuke was at Makoto's door at 7 o'clock sharp. This time Makoto answered the door, greeting Sousuke with a big hug. Sousuke immediately hugged him back. When they pulled apart, Makoto noticed what was different. Sousuke was wearing long pants and a long sleeved jacket with a high collar and a hat. It was late spring and the days were getting longer, he didn't need so many layers. Makoto just looked at him, "Sousuke?"

"What? Oh this," Sousuke lifted the fabric of his jacket. Sousuke explained, "I burn very easily. Really easily."

Makoto relaxed, "I'm sorry, I didn't know, we can do something else if you rather."

Sousuke took Makoto's hand, "No, I'll be okay. Besides I don't remember the last time I watched the sun set and it'd be really nice to see it with you."

Makoto held his hand tightly and smiled, "So long as you're sure..."

They walked away from Makoto's house and towards the beach. It was a beautiful night, with the sun hanging low in the sky bathing everything in a pink-gold. The sun was slowly sinking into the sand as they walked along the beach hand in hand. It warmed his heart that Sousuke came out to see the sunset with him even though he burns easily. Just thinking about it made Makoto hold onto Sousuke a little tighter. They stopped walking as the sun began to sink beyond the horizon. Makoto held Sousuke's hand with both of his and pressed against Sousuke's arm. He whispered, "Thank you."

Sousuke gripped Makoto's hand more tightly. He said, almost to himself, "It's been too long since I've seen things in natural light." He paused, thinking to himself, "Sometimes I think you're the best thing to ever happen to me."

Makoto smiled, he knew he felt the same way. He kept trying to rationalize himself out of it by saying, "We've only really known each other for these last few days."

"A few days, months, years... Time is irrelevant," Sousuke turned to look at Makoto. By now the sun had completely sunken into the ocean. Sousuke took off his hat in the rapidly fading sunlight, he wanted to see Makoto clearly. He brought a hand up to caress Makoto's cheek, "I feel like I've known you all my life. Like I've spent my life waiting for the time when I would find you."

"Sousuke..." Makoto was surprised to hear Sousuke talking so romantically.

"Someone once told me that you find love when you find someone who completes you. But I think everyone is already whole." Sousuke took a breath, "And that you find love when you find someone who makes you feel empty. Someone who when they're not with you makes you feel incomplete and you're whole again only when they're there with you." Sousuke took Makoto's face in both hands, hovering inches away. "Makoto I think I love you."

"B-bu... Sousuke," Makoto was completely taken aback. His heart was pounding in his ears.

"Makoto, I don't care if we've known each other for years, days or even minutes," he leaned in closer, "I just know that however long it is, I won't be whole again without you."

A tear streamed down Makoto's cheek, he was so overwhelmed. "Sousuke..."

Sousuke leaned in the rest of the way and gently pressed his lips to Makoto's. Makoto hooked his arms under Sousuke's, resting his hands on Sousuke's shoulders. He wanted to stay close like that with Sousuke forever. Sousuke pulled back after a long moment, leaning his forehead against Makoto's. "I'm sorry, it just all came gushing out..."

"Sousuke, I-I..." Makoto couldn't keep himself from crying anymore, "I think I love you too." Sousuke smiled gently, wiping the tears from Makoto's eyes. He wrapped his arms tightly around Makoto, pulling him close. Makoto leaned his head against Sousuke's shoulder, he couldn't stop sobbing. But Sousuke, didn't say anything, he just brought a hand up and gently ran his fingers through Makoto's hair.

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