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Sousuke brought Makoto back home after dinner, it wasn't too late but they had stayed at the restaurant until it closed. They had talked a lot and Makoto had learned even more about Sousuke. He was smart, well mannered, he seemed to know a lot about what people were really like. Makoto could feel himself falling fast.

They stood on Makoto's front porch, each waiting for the other to say goodnight. Sousuke brought a hand up to gently caress Makoto's cheek. He stroked Makoto's cheek with his thumb before leaning down to kiss Makoto. Makoto felt his knees weaken. He pushed back into Sousuke, wrapping his arms around Sousuke's shoulders.

They stayed like that for a long moment before Sousuke pulled back. He stepped away from Makoto, saying, "Goodnight Makoto."

Makoto smiled, "Night Sousuke."

Sousuke turned and left, leaving Makoto standing on his front porch with a stupid grin on his face. He was completely happy, Sousuke was being so gentle and going along with what he wanted. It made Makoto feel truly special. He heard the door open behind him and his mom say, "Hey sweetie. Is Sousuke still with you?"

Makoto turned around, "He went home." He was still grinning from ear to ear.

His mom smiled and pulled him inside, "Sooo, how was your date?"

Makoto sighed happily, "I couldn't be happier." He sat down at the table in the kitchen. "He's being so gentle and caring. He was such a gentleman on our date, picking me up, opening doors for me, buying me dinner, walking me home." Makoto sat there, resting his head on his hand, happily reliving the evening.

His mom sat down across from him, "He sounds like a real keeper."

"And when he kissed me goodnight, ooh," Makoto leaned back in the chair, motioning with his hands, "Fireworks."

"I'm so happy for you," she leaned forward, a little concern around her eyes, "Just promise me that you won't give away your heart too soon, okay?"

Makoto tried to control his smiling, "I won't."

Later that night, Makoto kept humming to himself as he was getting ready for bed. He was just so excited. It had turned out so well and Makoto couldn't be happier. Just before he got in bed, he checked his phone, there was a message from Sousuke. The message read, "I had a great time tonight and I was wondering if you were free tomorrow night, if you'd like to go out again."

Makoto responded immediately, "I had a really great time too :) I'd love to go out tomorrow." He didn't care if he seemed a little too eager, he was just too into it to think about waiting.

Sousuke sent a message back that same minute, "How about I come by your place again, say at 8?"

"Can we do 7?" Makoto texted fast, "I want to see the sunset with you :)"

This time Sousuke took longer to respond, but still within five minutes he said, "That'd be great"

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