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Sousuke took him to a restaurant on the far side of town. It was a nice place, secluded, a little expensive. The food they ordered was delicious. Makoto felt a little conspicuous at first with his hat on inside but in talking with Sousuke, he was able to forget about being self-conscious. He smiled across the cozy little table at Sousuke, "This place is really nice."

"I'm glad you like it," he smiled back at Makoto.

Makoto just smiled. After a moment he worked up enough courage to ask, "Sousuke... I've been wondering, what made you...well... Notice me?"

"You're different," Sousuke responded immediately. "I've met a lot of people and they're all the same. But I've never met someone," Sousuke pointed to his ears, "like you before."

Makoto blushed and smiled, "T-they're just ears..."

"I think it's more than that," Sousuke smiled and pushed some hair behind his ear. That's when Makoto noticed something about Sousuke's ear, it was ever so slightly pointed. Sousuke's glowing red eyes flashed in his mind. What made Sousuke so different?

Makoto shyly began to say, "It's just that I've... kind of... liked you for a while and didn't think you ever really noticed me."

"That's what I mean that it's more than your ears," Sousuke grinned slyly, "I've met a lot of people but I haven't met someone quite as... pure... as you."

Makoto laughed, "You keep saying you've met a lot of people."

Sousuke smirked, "Let's just say that I've been around the block a couple times."

"Sounds like you've had a lot of romances," Makoto was a little worried, what did that make him with Sousuke?

As if he had read his mind, Sousuke whispered, "Don't worry. I don't just go through people."

Makoto tried to laugh it off, "Can't say I've ever seen you with anyone..." Makoto laughed slightly, trying to ease the mood.

Sousuke was serious when he responded, "They're all in the past. There's no one else now."

Makoto sighed and leaned his arm against the table, resting his head in his hand. "I want to know your past."

Sousuke leaned forward, a devious grin on his face, "Weren't you the one who wanted to take it slow, get know each other? And doesn't that take time?"

Makoto sighed again, "I guess so... I'm not complaining about how things were going the other day in the basement." Makoto immediately covered his mouth with his hands, he couldn't believe that he actually said that last part out loud.

Sousuke smiled wider and ran a hand along Makoto's, "Oh I want that happy ending too, but..." Sousuke paused to take Makoto's hands away from his mouth. He got a forkful of food and brought it up to Makoto's mouth. As Makoto tentatively ate the bite, Sousuke whispered, "I am enjoying the waiting."

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