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It was almost September and Sousuke's birthday was coming up. Makoto wanted to do something special even if Sousuke kept saying that he didn't really celebrate it anymore. Makoto felt like he should do at least something for Sousuke considering all that he was doing for Makoto. But Makoto couldn't figure out just what to do. They couldn't really go out during the day and with Makoto six months pregnant, the activities he could do was shrinking. He thought of course he could do a nice dinner at home for Sousuke, but would that really be special?

As he was sitting there thinking, he could feel movement inside him. He rested his hand on his belly and could feel the baby move. It was such a strange sensation having another life inside of him. He was scared of course, but he still loved his unborn child. The doctor had done an ultrasound and found that the baby was going to be a girl. Sousuke was always with him, for the ultrasound, every doctor appointment, any baby classes that Makoto dared venture to. Sousuke was being uber protective and it was a little worrying to Makoto. He did feel like everything would be alright with Sousuke there but it seemed like Sousuke was worried. Makoto just figured it was probably because he had a pregnant neko boyfriend, how weird did that sound.

After thinking about it, Makoto decided to go with a cozy dinner at home. It wasn't much, but he knew Sousuke would like it. When it was finally his birthday, Makoto got Sousuke out of the house so that he could spend time fixing it up to look nice. He called his mom over to help since there was a lot he wanted to do and he couldn't do it all himself. It was the first time she had seen Sousuke's house. She sounded impressed when she said, "So this is where you'll be moving to once you're 18."

Makoto paused from setting up the candles he was holding, "I hope you'll be okay with that..."

"Of course I will sweetie," she sighed, "It'll just be strange not having you around the house." She added more seriously, "Now you promise that you won't let this keep you from coming home, you're always welcome."

Makoto smiled, "Thanks. And you'll be able to come here since I probably won't leave much while the baby's little."

She just shook her head, "I can't believe my baby is all grown up and having his own baby... Have you decided on a name?"

"Sousuke and I haven't really gotten far on deciding but I like the name Mariko," Makoto got out a box of matches for the candles.

His mom smiled and lightly touched his shoulder with her tail tip, "That'll be sweet."

When all the food and decorations were ready, Makoto took a step back to look at everything. It looked quite magical. His mom whistled, "Wow, looks good! You sure did a lot for Sousuke."

Makoto pressed his ears against his head, "Do you think he'll like it?"

"Of course he will," she smiled, "And if he doesn't he doesn't know what to appreciate."

[A/N: can you believe I've been writing this story for a month?? I can't! XD]

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